Im still here

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"How's the baby?" I smile and Jan.

"Good, Luke is so excited" she smiles back.

"I didn't think my absence would even affect you." I look at her

"See I don't know why you think that. Because you're my best friend and I love you Jess" she takes my hand.

"I love you too" I fall into her arms.

"Have you spoken to Michael yet?" She lets go.

"No, I'm scared too"

"Why, you've got nothing to loose"

"Yeah exactly. But if I have him back and then there's something I can loose and I'm worried that next time I won't want to find him"

"He was a mess without you, he even tried to let go"

"What do you mean?"

"I shouldn't be the one to tell you this"

"Please, tell me" I shake her.

"One night Luke walked in and found him lying on the floor unconscious. And it turns out he overdosed. You need him just as much as he need you"

"Omg" I put my head in my hands.

"Go see him"

"Michael?" I knock on the door.

I walk in to see him playing his X Box.

"Jess" he gets up and hugs me.

"This feels nice" I lean into the hug more. "I've missed you"

"I've waited so long for you to say that" he kisses me on my forehead.

"We need to talk though" we break apart.

We walk over and sit on the couch.

"Michael, I know" I take a deep breath.

"About wh-" he stops. "Oh"

I don't say anything. I leans up and rest my head on his shoulder. 

"I'm not worth your life" I play with his shirt.

"Yes you are! You're like my energy Jess. So don't say that. My life belongs to you" he licks his lips before clashing them to mine.

I've finally felt what I need to feel, love and trust.

Yes Michael has made his mistakes, but haven't we all?

I'm no longer got vodka in my blood to numb my pain. I've got Michaels love. He's like my alcohol. The more I take the drunker I get. And the more drunker I get, the happier I am. Except instead of waking up to the sadness and the head ache. I wake up happier.

"So is this what you want?" Michael pulls away.

"Yes, I want you." I smile a real smile.

"You have no idea how much I love you Jess"

"I think I have an idea Michael".

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