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Annie's pov

As soon as Changmin left, a deep loneliness filled the house. I felt an aching emptiness inside me. I had so much I wanted to say when he confessed his love for me. I wanted to tell him that I loved him too, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It wasn't because I don't love him; I truly do. The issue is that my love isn't the same as his. His love is intense and all-encompassing, while mine is different. I care deeply for him, but I can't give him the kind of passionate love he's offering. I love him as a Friend,as a family not as my man. I don't think I can ever love someone romantically.

love for family, friends, and children. These are all forms of love, but they aren't romantic love. My feelings for Changmin are genuine, but they don't match the depth of his feelings for me. He deserves someone who can love him with the same intensity and commitment that he has for them. I can't offer that kind of love. It was incredibly difficult to push him away, but I did it because I care about him and his well-being.

Jungkook is unpredictable and dangerous, and I don't want Changmin to get hurt because of him. Changmin has already done so much for me-he saved me from my problems once before. This time, I had to let him go to protect him from new troubles that could come from my problems. It's painful to think about, but it's what's best for him.

Regarding Jungkook, I find it impossible to forgive or forget what he's done. He's toxic and erratic, and I'm capable of taking care of my children by myself. I don't want any connection to Korea or its darkness around them. My experiences there have left me with painful memories, and fighting with Jungkook directly would be foolish. I need a well-thought-out plan to deal with him. For now, I have to pretend that I might forgive him to keep him under control until I'm ready to make my move.

"Annie, are you sure about this?" Gracy asked, her voice filled with concern.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. "Yes, I am."

Gracy looked at me skeptically. "But do you really think it will work? If he finds out where you are, he could find you anywhere. Running isn't a long-term option."

I closed my eyes, feeling a wave of frustration. "Everyone keeps saying that, but they don't understand Jungkook. He won't just leave me and the kids alone. He'll find a way to manipulate or blackmail me into being with him. I can't let my children live with someone so toxic and dangerous."

Gracy's eyes were filled with worry. "You don't really know where to go, do you? You don't have a concrete plan."

I shook my head. "I don't know where to go just yet. I need to find a safe place and secure a job before I make any moves. For now, I'm just focusing on pretending that I'm willing to forgive him. It's the only way to keep him at bay while I figure out my next steps."

Gracy nodded slowly, though the concern never left her face.

As I stepped out of the college, my heart skipped a beat when I saw Jungkook leaning against the car with a smile on his face. The sight of him waiting there, so casual yet commanding, made me uneasy. He was exuding that same confident charm that always seemed to unsettle me. It reminded me of old days when he always used to pick me from the college three years back.

"Babe" he called out, his voice warm and friendly. "I've been waiting for you."

I felt a mix of anxiety and frustration as I approached him. He opened the car door for me with a dramatic flourish, as if I were some kind of princess. His gestures were so smooth and calculated, designed to make me feel special and cared for.

"Come on, I have a surprise for you.," he said, his tone pleasant but with an underlying edge I couldn't ignore.

I didn't want to do it but again I have to pretend. I'll find a way soon just few days more.

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