Inescapable Ties

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Jungkook walked into the playroom where Seol and Jae were busy with their toys. The boys, looked up briefly, their faces a mix of curiosity and caution. Jungkook knelt down to their level, trying to appear as friendly as possible.

"Hi, Seol. Hi, Jae," he said gently. "What are you playing with?"

Seol, clutching a plush toy spaceship, looked at him uncertainly. Jae, holding a small toy car, seemed equally wary. Jungkook smiled and reached out his hand. "Can I join you guys?"

Seol hesitated, glancing at Jae. "We're playing space adventure."

"That sounds like so much fun!" Jungkook said, trying to sound excited. "I used to love space adventures when I was a kid. Can I be an astronaut with you?"

Jae's eyes widened a bit at the mention of space. "Astronaut?"

"Yes!" Jungkook nodded eagerly. "I can help you explore new planets and find hidden treasures."

Seol and Jae looked at each other and then back at Jungkook. Seol finally nodded, a small smile forming on his face. "Okay."

"Great!" Jungkook said, sitting down on the floor and picking up a toy rocket. "What's our mission today?"

Jae, still holding his toy car, looked at Jungkook with judging eyes. "Find space treasure?"

"Exactly!" Jungkook said, pretending to scan the room with his toy rocket. "I think I see a planet over there. What do you think we should do?"

Seol pointed to a corner of the room. "Look over there."

Jungkook pretended to look through a telescope and made a "Whoa!" sound.

"Wow, look at that! It's a beautiful planet. What kind of treasure do you think we'll find?"

Jae couldn't help but giggled and started to push his toy car around. "Spaceship!"

"That's right!" Jungkook said with a grin. "Let's land our spaceship and see what's on this planet."

As they played, Jungkook made silly sound effects and exaggerated actions, trying to make the game more engaging. He made the spaceship "zoom" across the floor and pretended to be amazed by their discoveries.

Seol started to giggle when Jungkook made a funny face pretending to be a surprised astronaut. "Look, Seolah! We found the treasure!"

Jae's eyes lit up with excitement. "Treasure!"

Jungkook handed Jae a small toy and said, "You found it! You're the best astronaut ever!"

Jae clapped his hands, and Seol joined in the applause.

As Jungkook played with them, he felt a sense of hope. It was just the beginning, but seeing them smile and enjoy the game gave him a small but significant sense of connection.

Jungkook set up a small table with art supplies, including colorful paints, brushes, and large sheets of paper. Seol and Jae, watched with wide eyes as he arranged everything.

"we're going to do something really fun-painting! What do you think?"

Seol tilted his head, his curiosity piqued. Jae glanced at the paints and then back at Jungkook, a bit hesitant. Jungkook smiled and gently picked up a brush. "Painting is all about using your imagination. We can paint anything you like!"

He dipped the brush into a pot of bright blue paint and made broad, sweeping strokes on his paper. "Look, I'm making the sky. What colors do you think we should use for the trees?"

Seol's eyes followed the movement of the brush. "Green!" he said with a bit of excitement.

"That's a great idea!" Jungkook said, handing Seol a brush with green paint. "Here you go. Why don't you try painting some trees?"

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