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Taylor POV

I woke up the next morning and my head was pounding and I felt like crap I roll over and grab my phone, the light hurts my eyes but a smile grew upon my face when I saw a message from Travis "good morning beautiful"

"Good morning handsome it seems like I slept in a little" I missed the good morning messages when I broke up with my last boyfriend although he never paid as much attention as Travis

"how are you feeling this morning any better?" Travis's message pops through almost instantly

"definitely not any better I cant seem to get out of bed without pain" I sent. it was the truth moving out of bed cause extreme pain, I wasn't sure what was wrong but I don't think its anything to worry about just yet

I was watching my screen as three dots came then quickly left the a call came through from Travis

"hi" I say quietly

"hello gorgeous" Travis's voices comes through my phone and I instantly smile

"is there anything I can do to help you?" he asks

"A hug would do wonders at the moment" I let out a giggle "but no thank you though I think I just need to sleep some more"

"have sweet dreams Taylor" he says and even though I was the one who suggested sleeping I didn't really want him to go

"you don't have to go" I say quietly but he somehow still hears it

"I have to go I have something to do, ill talk to you soon" he says and I hang up, roll back over and fall back asleep with no problem.

as I wake up I feel strokes up and down my back I quickly turn around and see Travis with a huge smile on his face, I'm to sore to get up and hug him and Travis see's that and quickly drops to the bed and wraps his arms around me, I move my head as close to his chest as I possibly can and a little laugh escapes his lips.

"I'm sorry I woke you up beautiful" he says with his chin resting on top of my head

"don't be I'm happy you're here" I say and move my head so I'm looking up at him "why are you here, I thought you had a busy day" I question

"you called if I recall you said a hug would do wonders" he says he quickly hops into the bed next to me and I lay my head on top of him and my arm draped over his torso while he scratches my back softly, as I get comfortably enough to fall asleep I feel kisses being placed on my head over and over again. I position my head up and place a finger underneath his chin applying the tiniest bit of pressure as to tell him to move his head down which he does, as soon his head is close enough I place my lips on his and kiss him slowly, mostly because that's all my body can manage.

I quickly pull away from Travis quicker than I would've liked but I heard my front door close followed by my mothers voice calling out. a panicked look rushes over my face as I cant figure out what to do, no one knows about me and Travis and I wasn't ready to tell anyone mostly because I don't know what we were all I know is that I want to be more than friends with me but I've been to sick to have that conversation right now.

"that's my mum, I'm so sorry I don't know what to do" I say quiet but fast

"Taylor, its okay you're okay do you want me to meet your mum or would you like me to figure out a way to leave, whatever you are comfortable with I will do" he says trying to calm me down

"Taylor where are you" my mum shouts from downstairs

"you can meet her. wait are you okay with that" I say trying to figure out what Travis wants to do

I am in love -Taylor X TravisWhere stories live. Discover now