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A/N potential TW- just conversations around troubles regarding food and body image :)

Travis POV

Tuesday rolled around and i was finally getting off of the plane and on my way to the studio that everybody rehearsed for the ERAS TOUR.

As much as i pitched the idea to Taylor for me to go on stage as a joke, i was so happy that she had said yes and had figured out a place to put me in. To decide to love me out loud was something that made my heart beat just a little bit faster. 

Whether we spend weeks apart or hours, seeing her again is always my favourite feeling. I get out of the car and go into the studio through the back, shaking that hands of the security guys as i passed them. 

"I'm back baby" i yell while laughing as i walk though the glass doors 

Taylor turns her head to see me and runs into my embrace

"Hi sweet girl" i mumble into her hair 

"I missed you so much" she whispers while pulling me closer 

we stand wrapped in each others arms for a few minutes before my eyes move to see everyone else, they fall onto on of Taylor's dancers who is younger than everyone else but an absolute powerhouse on stage. She is sitting on the floor in another room with her knees to her chest.

"Hey baby, is she okay" i get Taylors attention, moving my head in the direction of the girl 

"Yeah that's Evelyn, she said she had a phone call she needed to take" she informs but then a worried look washes  over her face as she sees that Evelyn is now crying 

"umm give me a second sorry" Taylor lets go of me and makes her way over to the glass doors that she is sitting behind 

Taylor POV

I had created a sense of family with everyone that is apart of this tour and everyone treated each other with so much love. Evelyn was an incredible dancer who put her heart and soul into absolutely everything she did, she was younger than everyone else- being only eighteen but she jumped at the opportunity to dance with me when i approached her. 

"Hey sweetheart, what's going on?" i ask in a whisper as i sit down next to her, leaving a little distance 

"Can i hug you?" i ask as she sits there with tears still streaming down her face and she doesn't look like she will talk anytime soon 

Instead of words she nods her head and within seconds i am gently pulling her into my side, her head resting on my shoulder and my arm around her back. We sat like that for at least five minutes before i dared to talk again

"You don't have to tell me what's going on if you are not comfortable doing so but i am here for you, whatever you need okay" i assure her 

"I don't think i want to talk about it yet, but thank you Taylor" she says as she wipes her tears and stands up. 

"okay" i say before opening my arms one more time for her to come into 

Time passed and it was now time for the TTPD set of rehearsal, the part where Travis is on stage

"Okay we really only need Kam and Jan for this portion but you guys can stay and watch me get annoyed if Travis drops me" i laugh 

"I am not going to drop you" he argues 

We get into the positions, i quickly run through the last of the smallest man who every lived and lay on the floor with my eyes closed, after a minute i feel Travis picking me up.

"what would you do if i tickled you" he tried to whisper to me but his laughing made him talk louder 

"If you do that i will kill you" i yell and everyone laughs

I go limb in Travis arms as he carries me to the couch. we finish the set and it went mostly smooth but we will have to do it at least another few times

"okay lets grab lunch" i say to the group and take Travis hand leading him to where my bag was sat with our lunch in it 

"Thanks sweet girl" he says but i don't hear him fully 

"What?" i ask 

"I said thank you, what are you looking at" he asks looking to where i am 

"i figured it out" i whisper

"what?" he asks again 

"why she is sad" i raise my finger to point to Evelyn

before Travis can say anything i am stood up and walking over to her. 

"bring your lunch sweetheart, come with me" i say to Evelyn who is looking up at me confused 

I take her into the other room and we sit on the couch that's placed in the corner, out of everyone's view

"Tell me to shut up if im wrong but is it food? the thing that's making you upset?" i ask majorly overstepping 

Instead of words she looks at me blankly before nodding her head, me heart automatically breaking for the sweet girl sitting next to me. Having trouble eating is something so devastating and something nobody can understand unless they have gone through it. 

"I can eat with you if you like, or i can go" i offer 

"stay" she whispers. 

We sit in silence and slowly eat lunch little bites at a time but still something. 

"Can i ask you something" i ask 


"Do you struggle eating, like making sure you are eating enough?" i ask 

"i umm' she starts 

"I have always struggled with body image since i can remember but when food came into the problem it got a whole lot worse.  When you called and offered this position i was so excited to dance with you, to be apart of something truly magical and it slipped my mind that i would be in costumes, some short and some tight. Anyway i was okay for a while i made sure to eat but lately as more things are being posted on social media and more people are seeing me it means that more people are allowed to comment on whatever they feel like, and i see a lot of comments about my body and how it isn't as small as some of the other girls." she explains 

"I'm so proud of you, it isn't easy to talk about and im glad you told me" i acknowledge

As tears slowly flow down her face i place my food down and pulling her into me. i somewhat lay us down so she is almost laying on top of me and i stroke her back as her tears slowly stop 

"Food is an important thing and i am glad that you are trying to eat im proud of you. One thing i have learned after years of being in the spotlight and having people judge everything you do and say is that, you are more than their options okay. You sweetheart are so special, you a stunning dancer who i am so lucky to have tour with me and also you're personality is my favourite thing, you are always a joy to be around and i promise that anyone saying those things are just people who have nothing else to do with their time" i try to explain how amazing she is 

"Hey guys im so sorry, i think they are ready" Travis says apologetically as he stands in the doorway

Evelyn goes to move but i gently squeeze her

"I am their boss if you need more time, they can wait" i offer but she still stands up 

"Thank you Taylor" she says fixing her now crumpled top 

"You are very welcome sweetheart" i say as she leave the room 

I wrap my arms around Travis torso as he places kisses on my head

"Are you okay my love?" he asks 

"I will be" i offer 

I am in love -Taylor X TravisWhere stories live. Discover now