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Taylor POV

I walk take one last bow and stand steady as the stage lift takes be back down under the stage to all of the crew, band and dancers. I slowly take off my jacket and hand it to Tree as she smiles a soft smile, Evelyn is quickly running to be close to me with the biggest smile plastered on her face. I open my arms and within seconds she is falling into them with her hand resting on my shoulder.

"Thank you so much" she whispers into my skin 

"Sweetheart it was just a song" I smile, rubbing my hand up and down her back

She pulls her head back off of my skin and looks at me with a sad smile "Not to me it wasn't" 

I quickly wrap her in another hug before going off into the dressing rooms and getting out of the sparkly bodysuit and into a comfortable jumper and leggings. Once ready to leave the stadium i go and say goodbye to the dancers before making my way over the the one of many big black cars waiting to take me back to the hotel. 

My phone quickly lights up and i answer the incoming call from Travis instantly 

"Hi beautiful, how was tonight" He greets from the other end of the phone line 

"Hello handsome, The show went amazing i am so glad to be back performing" I breath out 

"I have watched a few videos, that was really sweet what you did for Evelyn" 

"She asked if i could sing those songs but that doesn't matter how was your day?" I ask wanting to know how his day was going 

"Well it isn't over yet sweet girl i still need to eat dinner but so far it has been okay, i miss you being here" He offers

"I miss you too, I am excited to get comfortable in bed but i don't like that i have to go to sleep alone" I explain 

"I can stay on the call you sweet girl, you are never alone" 

The car pulls up at the hotel and i mention to Travis that i will call him back when i am in my room and away from all of the cameras. 

Once in the hotel room i take off of my shoes and find my bag that my security had came in and put away earlier, just before i am about to call Travis back to get ready for bed i hear a knock on my door and make my way over, seeing Evelyn stand in her pajamas through the peep hole in the door. 

I quickly open the door and move my arm for her to come inside but she doesn't move

"Are you okay?" I ask growing a little more worried that she isn't just walking in like she normally would. 

"I'm sorry you are tired i can go" she mutters 

"No sweetheart, come in i wasn't going to bed yet anyway" I explain and she walks in slowly, still unsure 

"Evie it's okay, i like your company i promise" 

"Can i just sit in here and talk, i don't like being alone" 

"Yeah of course, want to go watcha movie?" I ask 

Evelyn goes and takes a seat on the couch, i quickly go pick up mu phone and order food for both Evelyn and myself before quickly going back to the couch. 

"Hey i am just going to call Travis for a minute is that okay?" I ask, even though i am positive she will say yes i still have no interest in making her uncomfortable.

"yeah of course, i can go if you want" she offered half already standing up but i place a gentle hand on her shoulder and shake my head 

"No need, it will only be a minute" 

I quickly go an sit on the bed while i call Travis back 

"Hey princess" He greets, No matter how long we are together and how many times he calls me any sort of pet name i will always turn as red as a tomato 

"Hello my love, have you eaten dinner yet?" I ask in return 

" I just got done with it, are you getting into bed?" 

"No not yet, Evelyn came in just before i think she just needed someone to sit with so we are going to watch a movie until she is tired enough to sleep" I explain

Mine and Travis' conversation continues, he went into the bathroom so i am sat on bed waiting for him to come back in silence. Evelyn slowly walks into the room but pauses at the door frame 

"Can i ask you something?" She asks, her voice so low that i am surprised i could hear what she said 

"Yeah of course, are you okay?" I worry but she shakes her head in return so i pat a spot on the bed near me and she walks over. 

"Yeah i'm okay it is just a silly question" she says her gaze falling down onto the bed 

"No question is a silly question, if you ask i can answer to the best of my ability" i offer but her head stays down

"How did you find some one to love?" she whispers but i sense that there is more to it than that so i keep quiet hoping she will talk more 

"i mean i am eighteen years old and i have never had a relationship, i have never held hands with anyone and i am yet to have my first kiss. I just don't think it will happen for me and it keeps me awake at night, i don't think i am loveable but i have always wanted to be loved" she expresses, fiddling with her hands as she speaks 

"How did you fall in love?" she asks again and i take a deep breath before answering 

"Firstly sweetheart that is not a silly question especially if it keeping you from sleeping and i am more than happy to talk with you about this but darling you are not un lovable, no matter how truthful that may feel right now i promise you it isn't, i love you for a starters." i start talking, completely forgetting that Travis is still on the phone with me and has now returned from the bathroom 

"I like to believe that searching for love isn't the answer, love will just come around when it is right for you and that is the beauty of it, not knowing when you're person will just appear and be with you forever. About falling in love though, i don't like use the word falling because that indicates that it is painful and love should never be painful. Travis and i kind of just slid into love, like two puzzles pieces that are a perfect fit for one another. In my experiences when i tried to search for the love i knew i always wanted it never turned out to be good or even okay, i didn't look for Travis sweetheart he kind of just came around when i least expected it" I explain taking a deep breath 

"I don't want you to give up through because your person will come around one day and they will love you unconditionally. Darling don't stress your beautiful mind too much about it, love is a beautiful thing and i promise you will experience it" I finally let out taking my hand and gently placing it on her knee 

"I love the way you and Travis love each other and i really hope that i get that one day it just looks so effortless" she expresses 

"I don't know if i would say effortless but i do understand what you are saying, loving Travis is easy because he is the most amazing person i have have the privilege of being around and also loving but effort goes into it. You see the trips we both have to make to see each other and today you were stood next to me while i cried saying goodbye. You should put effort into loving someone but by no means should it be hard. You sweetheart will find the type of love you are hoping for i promise" Just as i finish talking there is a knock on the door and Evelyn goes to get it 

"You sweet girl are the easiest person to love, thank you for being so kind" I hear Travis from my phone and i jump a little, forgetting he was still there. 

"I love you" I say 

"I love you too, and i already miss you like crazy" 

"Me too my love" Evelyn walk back into the room with a bag full of food and quickly finds a seat next to me 

"I will let you two eat and head to bed, goodnight princess i love you and goodnight Evelyn, sweet dreams" Travis speaks up and we both reply a goodnight before the phone hangs up. 

I am in love -Taylor X TravisWhere stories live. Discover now