Taylor POV
Travis had left two days ago, There wasn't a lot of rehearsal to do if any because Travis had mastered his part.
The group and i had days free until the next show so instead if staying in the hotel we decided to go out and explore the day
The day had slowly turned into the afternoon, the activities of visiting the zoo were well behind us and it was now time to eat dinner at the restaurant i had booked. I made my way into the room everybody else was already sat so i took the empty seat next to Evelyn.
"sorry im late guys, i had a phone call i had to take" i address the group as i take my seat and look over the menu
After small talk and time our food started to come out as we all pointed to who got what, directing the servers to each person. We all ended up with the correct food and started to eat
Silently and subtly i noticed Evelyn moving around the pasta on her plate instead of actually eating it.
"Do you not like it?" i ask her somewhat quiet so the rest of the table didn't notice
"what was that sorry?" she asked now looking at me
"I asked if you didn't like it, i can swap with you if you like" i offer
"No no it's okay it tastes fine" she says moving her gaze back to the plate in front of her.
"Really, i haven't seen you have any" i point out
Instead of responding Evelyn went back to slowly moving her food around the plate. I let it go and joyed in on the conversations that were happening around the table, that is until i dropped my eyes to see her looking down at her lap and playing with her fingers.
There is no way that i could ever make her stop this tour, she is insanely talented and a joy to be around but right now im more concerned about her health and wellbeing than about losing a dancer on the tour, i cannot let her fall down into the same habits that i once found myself in.
"You have to eat sweetheart, we have a show tomorrow" i lean across and whisper to her
"I cant" she said barely above a whisper, her eyes slowly becoming glossy
I place my hand on my leg, my palm facing up and she places her hand in mine. I give it a gentle squeeze before talking "This food it doesn't mean anything okay, Ignore all the noise and comments me and you can just eat together"
Travis POV
It had been five days since i had left Taylor to come back home and it wasn't looking like i was going to be able to see her for another week.
It was nearing midnight time where she was so i got ready to Facetime her while she fall asleep.
"Hey beautiful, how was your day?" I ask as her face pops up onto my phone
"It was good, tonight's show was amazing" she said as she got into the hotel bed
"You ready for bed?" i ask
"Not just yet, i want to talk to you some more" she says, rubbing her eyes
"We can talk tomorrow baby, get some sleep ill stay on the phone"
"No, can you just talk for a little please" she asks, putting her phone up so it still shows her but she no longer has to hold it.
I agree and start talking about random things as i watch her fight sleep. Being away from her was the worst feeling in the world, although i love the way she gets excited when we are finally back together. As i keep talking i hear a knock coming from the phone, Taylor gets up and goes over before slowly opening the door and taking something from security
She makes her way back over to bed before climbing back under the covers but this time sitting up
"What's that sweet girl" i ask and she shrugs her shoulder as she opens the envelope
"It's a letter from Evelyn" she finally speaks up
A few minutes go by and i see tears forming in her eyes "Hey sweet girl, are you okay?" i ask worried
"Yeah sorry it just a really sweet letter, i have to go see if she is okay" Taylor picks up her phone
"Call me when your done beautiful"
"I love you" she says before ending the Facetime
Taylor POV
Thank you! thank you for taking me on as a dancer for this tour it has been the most amazing thing to be apart of and i am so excited to continue it with you. Thank you for believing in me enough to bring me up on stage every night and let me perform with you, There are not enough words to express my gratitude for you.
To be completely honest with you i have no idea why i am sat in this hotel bed seemingly writing a letter to you but her i am. Growing up i was always the kid and i guess teenager that struggled with expressing how i was feeling and putting in to words what was going on in my mind, but weirdly i don't have an issue with that with you. I find my self not being able to lie to you and i have this overwhelming feeling to tell you all of the bad things that are happening.
This past week in particular has been pretty rough for me and you picked up on that almost instantly, when i think about it you are my just my boss so you have no obligation to look out for me the way you do or care for me the way you have been but make no mistake i am so so thankful for you for doing so.
You have this calm energy that just radiates off of you and onto every body else which i adore, being around you is like the calm before a very intense storm that seems to find home in my head each time i find myself alone.
I feel the need to say sorry that i may be bringing up past memories that might not be the nicest to re live but thank you for being the person i can talk to about food and how i struggle with it. Even though i hate that you have been in a really crappy place i am glad you have the experience for me to be able to turn to when things get rough.
I am sorry if i woke you up with this letter and i hope you sleep well, Thank you Taylor!
Evelyn :)
That letter was so beautiful, i hang up the call with Travis and make my way to Evelyn's Room. I knock on the door before it is slowly opened and i see Evelyn stood at the doorway of her room with tears in her eyes.
"Can i hug you?" i ask, opening my arms for her to fall into
i wrap my arms around her body and walk us slowly into the room before pushing the door closed. Evelyn rested her head just below my shoulder and one arm wrapped around my back
"I've got you sweetheart" i whisper into her hair
"I'm so sorry" she pulls her arm from me and takes a step back, wiping her eyes to get rid of any tears still on her face
"You have nothing to say sorry, thank you for the letter it was so lovely" I say
"You don't have to be so nice to me, you can go back to your room" Her eyes are locked to her feet
"If you want me to leave i will but sweetheart i care about you and you don't seem to be okay"
"I don't like being alone all the time, I am younger than everyone and i just feel alone" She admits
"I'm here for you always" I reassure
She walks back into my arms and i rub up and down her back in attempt to make her feel better.

I am in love -Taylor X Travis
RomanceIf i had something catchy to write here best believe i would, but i don't. :) This follows the love story of Taylor and Travis. Enjoy :)