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Taylor POV

after forcing myself out of bed after a perfect morning with Travis i go and get into comfortable clothes and head to the venue for tonight's show. as i'm getting my hair and makeup finished and i'm nearly read to go out on stage one of my dancers points to my neck and i pull out my phone to see what on earth they are pointing at and it reveals a decant sized hickey right in the center on one side of my neck i have like 30 seconds before i go on stage so i quickly take a photo and send it to Travis and a following message saying "look what you have done ;)" then i chuck my phone and head off to start the show.

While performing i will normally have my hair to one side of my head a lot but of course Travis just had to inconvenience me that little but more and place it on the opposite my hair usually is and it would be no problem normally but if i switch what side my hair sits on my fans are going to notice instantly and question why but then if i do nothing they will also notice, i like having my personal life away from the public but i hate that i have to hide most things or be careful of what i say and do so no one finds out it gets really tiring and everyone ends up finding out anyway but i like the moments when i am in love and it is no one else's business.

halfway through the concert i slip and almost fall, this show has been a little harder than the rest and i'm not all to sure why but it could possibly be because my mind wont stop racing about people finding out about me and Travis and i lose my balance and slip which causes me to stop singing and luckily its the end of the era i was currently in so i go and get changed into the next outfit and just take a second to breath and ground myself before going back on stage Once the show has i finished i am meant to go meet Travis for dinner for a private date before he leaves to start training again but after today i just do not have the energy to do so, so instead i cancel hoping he understands and i get changed into comfortable clothes and head out of the venue, as i'm about to be at the exit i see a bunch of fans standing above the exit waving and screaming and i remember why i do this it is making so many people happy, i wave to them all and leave to go to the hotel.

"are you okay baby?" a message from Travis pops up onto my phone

"i'm so sorry i just need to go to the hotel i need to just be in bed" i reply shutting my phone off

when i reach the hotel making my way into my room dumping my bag and getting into bed i hear a knock on my door and i get up and look through the small peep hole at the top of the door to reveal Travis standing there with roses, i open the door and instantly start crying as soon as we make eye contact. without second thought Travis wraps his arms around me closing the door by kicking it softly behind him and my tears don't seem to be slowing down anytime soon.

"Baby what's happened?" he asks clearly concerned

i try to speak but i start choking on my words so i just wrap my arms around his torso tighter as he walks us to the bed, sitting me on his lap so we are both facing each other, he just rubs my back repeatedly and placing kisses lightly on my head every now and then i can't even put into words what's wrong, everything is just getting to much and i'm worried people are starting to realize and Travis will leave. i just don't think i'm good enough. after a few minutes of me sobbing in Travis' arms and him trying his absolute best to comfort me besides not know what has happened i finally calm down enough to get some words out

"i'm sorry" i mumble but loud enough for him to hear

"No you have nothing to apologize for what's happened?" he asks immediately after i say sorry

"i tripped on stage and i ruined the show and and" i start but stop quickly to wipe my tears and take a breath" and my mind has been running like crazy i just am worried that you'll leave and i will mess everything up and i'm so tired of this tour i just want it to end but that's selfish i should be happy people are coming to see me right? i'm a bad person" i say talking way to quickly i look up at Travis to see him looking down at me.

I am in love -Taylor X TravisWhere stories live. Discover now