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Taylor POV

I wake up and we are about to land, i wish i could go to my hotel and just sleep but i have to go get ready for the show tonight i open my phone to a message from Travis and even though we have only been away from each other for not even a day i still miss him like crazy and cannot wait to call him later.

"i'm on my way to the stadium ill call you after the show i love you" i reply and put my phone getting ready to take the stage

Every night of performing the crowd is amazing and everyone is so happy. I'm glad this is my job and i enjoy it a lot but also sometimes i feel so incredibly selfish that i don't always feel good because of how much effort and money each and everyone has spent just to attend the show. Tonight was epically hard i miss home and Travis a lot and i can not wait to go to bed but it's the job to put that aside and just sing. Besides not feeling the best and my emotions being all over the place the show went well and i am more than excited to call Travis.

After getting changed into comfortable clothes i walk down to the exit of the stadium to be met with no less than thousands of people waving and yelling. Some days this all gets a little to much but seeing how happy every one is at the end of the shows fills my heart more than anybody could know. i eventually get into the car and am well on my way back to the hotel

"Hey" i say as soon as my call gets answered

"Hi baby, how was your show" i don't think there will ever be a time where Travis calls me baby and i don't turn as red as a tomato. In result of his comment i hid my face in my blanket already laying in the hotel bed

"Don't hide your face beautiful" he then says again i pull the blanket down from my face and reply to him

"it was good i miss you though"

"I miss you also three weeks is going to torture" he says

it had been almost two weeks into the three that me and Travis weren't able to see each other and as to be expected i wasn't taking it well i was missing him like crazy but apparently my feelings didn't even compare to his, he truly was ready to get on a plane and come to me two days after i left, i had to talk him out of it but it's safe to say he hasn't taken a likening to distance we now share. I have almost two days between now and my next show and had originally planned that i not go to Travis' game tonight because the travelling would take it out of me, but i cannot sit in my hotel for two days knowing how he is struggling and talking over the phone just doesn't help like i would have hoped it did. So with calls to Donna and a slight disagreement with Tree i decided that i am getting back onto my plane and going back to KC I am fully aware that me going to this game opens the pubic up to our relationship. I am quite literally opening the door of my happiness to them but it's worth the risk.

Stepping off the plane the overwhelming feeling of nervousness finds a temporary home in my stomach but slowly as i'm walking into the stadium i once performed at and met by Donna that same feeling seems to be going away. I walk into Travis' box and am greeted by all of his friends and family that are already sat up there

"Taylor it' so lovely to see you again i didn't know you were coming" Jason says making his way over to me

"Hi i wasn't meant to be here but it seemed like your brother needed some love, how's he been?" i reply with the question I've been needing an answer to from anyone but himself

"It's game day so he is prepared and his mind is clear but he misses you like crazy i mean I've never seen him like this about anyone and he is going to be so pumped when he sees you, wait when is he seeing you?" that comment both feels my heart and makes me incredibly sad

I am in love -Taylor X TravisWhere stories live. Discover now