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Evelyn POV

It had already been four days since my mum had passed away and i instantly wanted to be back with Taylor but my dad has said it was disrespectful and i had to stay. 

Before i had even got the job with Taylor to perform at the Era's Tour i was a huge fan of her music, she had been a massive part of my childhood. But working with her and being around her had brought me so much comfort, she was the type of person that you felt comfortable telling absolutely anything to. So i knew that i had to be with her

Over the past two months Taylor and i had Grew closer, she comforted me through everything and i knew that she would be able to fix this too. 

I had got off her plane and now i was about to pull up in front of Travis' house. I get out of the car and am instantly met with Taylor wrapping her arms around me tightly, i bury my head into her as i see Travis walking my bags up into his house. 

"Oh sweetheart, i am so sorry" she whispers into my ear 

"I'm sorry i called" i say into her

"Don't be i am glad you are here, let's get you inside and taken care of her" she whispered again, pulling away from me and tightly gripping my hand walking me up to Travis' house.

I take my shoes off and place them neatly at the door before looking up at Travis 

"Thank you for letting me stay" I say 

"you are more than welcome" he states and Taylor speaks up 

"Let me show you to your room" 

I follow Taylor's lead as she walks up the stairs, i quickly grab her hand like before missing the comfort that she brought me. 

Taylor POV 

Evelyn grabs my hand and i give hers a gentle squeeze as i lead her to Travis' spare room. 

"This is where you can sleep" i announce 

"Thank you for letting me stay" I say, my voice barely above a whisper

"Oh sweetheart you are always welcome, do you want to talk about what's happened?" i ask now facing her 

"I umm I don't know" she whispers and i nod in return 

"You don't have to but just know that i am always here to listen" i offer and she quickly comes closer, resting her head on my chest 

I hold her close to me for at least a few minutes before she pulls back and we walk back down to where Travis is 

"Have you eaten?" i ask but in return i get no words just a look of pure fear, a look that i remember so clearly from when i struggled with eating 

"Let's get out something hey" i softly say, taking her hand in mine and walking her to the kitchen 

"I don't know if i can" she whispers 

"Of course you can, i will make something light i promise. do you want to stay in here or do you want to go sit somewhere else"?" i encourage her

"Can i stay with you?" she asks 

"Of course" 

I begin to look around and decide on making pancakes and fruit.

"Can i tell you something?" Evelyn asks, sitting on the kitchen counter near where i am preparing food. i nod my head at her to continue 

"I feel safe with you, it is no secret that before i started working with you i was a fan of you and your music, i think all of us dancers were. But now actually knowing you and being around you, you just radiate this sense of calm and comfort that i appreciate so much. I don't entirely know why i feel so safe with you because i have never felt so safe with anyone before but i just knew that i had to come to you, that somehow you would find a way to make all of these bad feelings go away. Thank you for letting me be here and helping me when it is your break" She confesses 

"Sweetie that was so lovely of you, i am so proud of you for reaching out an coming here" I admit gently rubbing my hand over her knee before going back to making her food.

Time passed as i made and plated up all the food, i made way too much so both Travis and will be eating it too. Evelyn sat in silence for the rest of the time i'm assuming Processing her thoughts and feelings. 

 Evelyn is the type of person to light up a room as soon as she walks into it, she always has a smile on her face and can make anyone laugh. But she is also the type of person to not tell anyone when things are going on with her so i am incredibly thankful that she is choosing to open up even just a little so i am able to help her. 

"Come eat hun" I say, snapping Evelyn out of her own head.

She jumps down from the counter and i call Travis over to eat as well, Travis sits at the end of his dinning table and i sit in between both him and Evelyn.

"Thank you sweet girl" Travis says, leaning over and placing a kiss on my head

"You're welcome hunny" I respond looking over at Evelyn to see her moving around the fruit on her plate 

I lean my head down and whisper into her ear "How can i help you?" 

she looks up at me like no words are able to come out of her mouth, she gently shrugs her shoulders and moves her gaze back down to her food. I look over at Travis as we both share a concerned glance 

"This here is just food, It means nothing okay. It has no control over you or your feelings at the moment but i need you to eat please" i whisper to her, placing a calming hand on her leg. 

"Tay" she whispers looking up at me

"Evie hunny it's okay" i urge 

"I like that" she admits in a low voice 

"Like what sweetie?" I ask 

"When you call me Evie" She admits again 

Eventually after Evelyn had eaten half of her food she begged to be finished so i said that was fine and went up to get changed into Pyjamas for the night. 

Travis POV

Evelyn had gone into the spare room to get changed and Taylor came and joined me on the couch 

"Did she finish?" I ask Taylor as she wriggles into me 

"She ate enough" she informs 

I wrap my arm around Taylor and place a kiss on her head 

"Thank you for letting Evie stay here, We can go back to New York tomorrow" She says 

"No need sweet girl, you two are welcome here for as long as you need" I inform 

We sit together watching whatever happened to be playing on the Television as Evelyn comes down the stairs and stops in her tracks when she sees Taylor and i. 

"You okay sweetheart?" Taylor asks, moving her head off of me to see Evelyn

"Yeah i think so" She answers in a low voice 

"Come here" Taylor says 

Evelyn walks over and sits down on the other side of Taylor, Instantly Taylor lets go of me and shuffles closer to Evelyn wrapping her arms around her as Evelyn lets out silent cries. 

Taylor looks over to me with a sad smile and quickly mouths an "I'm sorry"

I shake my head and get up from the couch going to get a blanket and laying it over the two girls.

Evelyn's head was buried into Taylor's neck as her body shook in Taylor's arms. 

I am in love -Taylor X TravisWhere stories live. Discover now