Taylor POV
The last two weeks Travis and i had spent all of our time together and it had been beautiful, even if the reason i was at his house wasn't exactly the happiest. Today was the day that i had to leave to continue my tour, despite the back and forth argument that we had endured Travis had won and he was now on his way to head off to tour with me.
I was insistent that Travis didn't have to come on tour with me and we could have him come on stage another time but he was insistent that it wouldn't hurt him and he had promised he would.
So we were sat on the jet together, Travis' head resting on my lap as he slept. The injury to his leg had gotten a whole lot better and he no longer needed the Crutches to walk but i was still worried about his health.
"Trav hunny you have to wake up" I place a kiss on Travis' head while i attempt to wake him from his sleep
Instead of full words Travis grumbles as he lifts his head from my lap and he rubs his eyes
"Hey princess" He greeted
"We have landed hunny, we are going to the stadium but you don't have to come if you're not up to it" I offer but in return Travis just shakes his head
"No sweet girl i can come on stage i promise i am okay" He tried to reason with me and i knew there was no way i was going to be able to stop him.
We make our way to the stadium, leaving our stuff with the drivers for them to take to the hotel. Travis had nothing to do at this point so he was wondering off most likely making friends with anyone and everyone, I stayed in my comfortable clothes as i ran through sound check to make sure everything was okay.
Travis and i had rehearsed his part in the tour multiple times, both at home and in the studio with everyone else. But the nervousness feeling in my stomach didn't seem to be going away anytime soon and it has nothing to do with his actual performance, I am so incredibly nervous because i am bringing him on stage. All of my relationships have been public and everybody knew all of my business but this was different, i love Travis so much that i have no feeling of wanting to hide or be secret about or relationship. I am loving him so out loud and it is so scary knowing that the whole world will have their opinions and there was nothing i could do about it.
Sound check went fine and everything had been working perfectly so i was now getting off the stage and making my way to figure out where Travis had gone
"There you are" I announce myself into the room where i see Travis engaged in a conversations with some of the dancers. Without interrupting the conversation Travis walked over to where i was at the door and wrapped me in a hug while still continuing to talk.
"Hey Taylor, where is Evelyn?" One of the dancers asked as Travis pulled me into the room
"She just needed to deal with some family things but she will be back real soon" I admit while still not revealing too much.
That question had caused me to think back to Evelyn, after she left the first few days we spoke all the time and i continued to help her eat but as time went on she slowly stopped responding to my messages and now i hadn't heard from her at all in the past two days, I quickly make a mental note to call her after the show tonight.
"You know you don't have to come on" I whisper in Travis ear and in return he grabs my hand and gently pulls my arm guiding me out of the room and closing the door behind him
"Do you not want me on stage?" He asks confused but hints of sadness laced his voice and i immediately felt bad knowing that what i had said hadn't come out the way i wanted it to
"No it's not that i promise i want you up there i have been looking forward to it but i just don't want you to hurt yourself or cause any unnecessary pain" I admit
"Princess I promise you me being on stage with you will cause no pain, i will only be up there for five minutes and you weigh pretty much nothing" He says honestly
I mumble in return and wrap my arms around his torso before leaving to go get ready for the show.
Travis POV
Watching Taylor perform on stage was like nothing else in this world, every night that she gets on stage and performs she gives it everything she has got and i am in complete awe from it.
Era by Era had passed and it was no time for me to go under the stage and get ready to perform. A willow cape gets thrown over my head and and i quickly walk around the stage until i am guided into the fabric that leads to underneath the stage.
"You ready?" Kam asks me as i walk out of the dressing room fully in costume
"Yeah lets do this"
Kam, Jan and i all make our way onto the platform of the stage that will lift us up. Up until this very moment i wasn't nervous at all but now as i'm being lifted up on to the stage i can not get away from the worry that seems to be floating around my body
"You're going to do amazing" Jan says, patting me on the back just before we become level with the stage.
The stage is massive. The crowd is huge. It takes the audience a couple of seconds to notice that i was on the stage but they screamed and cheered as soon as they figured it out.
I make my way over to Taylor who is lying at the end of the stage. Kam and Jan pick lift her off the ground and i quickly place my hands under her making sure i have a tight grip. We all begin walking back to the couch that came up to the stage with us and just like we practiced i gently shake Taylor mouthing for her to wake up.
We all finally get to the couch and as i am about to place her down i whisper in her ear "I didn't get hurt sweet girl" Knowing that while she will remain professional until she get off of this stage she will still be worrying about if i had injured myself.
The act continues how it normally would if i weren't on stage and, The jacket and dress she wears for the smallest man who ever lived is now off and she is left in her two piece, i make eye contact with her as i let a smile appear on my face and she quickly mouths for me to put the makeup brush i had in my hand now onto her face. Moving closer i lift the makeup brush to her face and by instinct my hand tries to find its way to her waist but i quickly stop it.
The act comes to an end and Taylor now has her microphone in her hand and is walking away before she quickly moves her head over he shoulder and blows a kiss at me.
In that very moment i cannot wipe the smile off of my face and i know that she is the love of my life.

I am in love -Taylor X Travis
Storie d'amoreIf i had something catchy to write here best believe i would, but i don't. :) This follows the love story of Taylor and Travis. Enjoy :)