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Taylor POV

Rehearsal continued, i had finished what i needed to go over so now i was sat observing the dancers seeing if there was anything that needed to be changed or possibly even added. 

"Have you always been close with Evelyn?" Travis asks as he stood behind me with his hands wrapped around my front as i stood writing notes 

"I mean I've always cared for my dancers and crew btu lately Evelyn has just been reminding me of me and i guess i just feel the need to protect her from the world" i openly admit 

"I really don't mean to overstep but sweet girl does any of this with Evelyn bring back bad memories for you?" he asks and i freeze

I hadn't really put much thought into that, yeah it reminded me of myself when i was going through a rough time. Although i wasn't sure if it was bringing up past events that i had wanted to keep buried. 

"I don't know" i answer truthfully before continuing "Not so far"

"If it does i am here for you, if you need to talk any feelings and thoughts out i will listen" He offers, placing a kiss upon my neck 

"Thank you" i lean into his touch 

"Anything for you sweet girl"

We stood together for three dances before i had notes that i wanted the dances to hear. When they finish the choreography i go to walk but Travis' hands are still wrapped around me so instead i get pulled back into him 

"You've got to let go i have to speak to them" I giggle turning my head to face Travis as i was talking to him 

"Talk from here" he says into my shoulder, placing multiple kisses all over my shoulder and arm

"With you like this? No that's not professional"  i laugh 

He laughs and lets go of me so i make my way over to the dancers and start giving the ideas that i had to them. 

Travis POV

While Taylor started her rehearsals i went and sat down next to Evelyn

"Hey" she acknowledges as i sit down 

"How you going?" i ask 

"Just tired" 

we engage in small talk until she looks at me suddenly like a lightbulb had just gone off in her head

"Can we prank Taylor?" she says while practically squealing with excitement

"What do you want to do?" i ask, needing to know what i am getting myself into before agreeing

"Well i don't know that far ahead, i just thought about the pranking part" she giggles 

"Okay well when you figure something out i will let you know if i will help" i offer 

"What, you wont help" she asks looking shocked 

"I cant agree to something really bad, you are talking about my girlfriend right now"  i state and she nods her head 

"What if we just scare her, It would be so funny if she is like focusing" Evelyn tries to explain her crazy idea to me but miserably fails when her giggles take over and she cant see to get a word out.

I agree to her idea knowing Taylor wont get to mad but she will have a funny reaction. We continue to sit together until Taylor walks out if the studio to take a call and that's when Evelyn looks at me and we share a nod. 

Evelyn gets behind the door that opens to the studio building and i position myself behind the door that enters into the studio that we are all in. 

Evelyn POV

I  see Taylor beginning to walk back into the building so i stand still and wait for her to get close. I jump out from behind the door and let out a loud scream, resulting in Taylor turning around and screaming back at me clutching the papers that were in her hands close to her chest. I bend down in laughter, my checks hurting from smiling so much. 

I look back up at Taylor who still looks scared and somewhat confused

"What the hell" she yells 

"I'm sorry, that was so funny" i try to get out but my laughs interrupted almost every word. 

"You are crazy" she says and we begin to walk further into the building, approaching the studio room where everyone else i hope that Travis is ready to scare her again.

I let her walk in first, Travis jumps out from behind this door yelling a loud scream exactly" like we had planned. Taylor once again screams and turn back to face us, the papers that were previously on the ground were now all over the polished floors. I am hunched over in pain from the giggles and Travis' Face is as red as a tomato from trying to breath through the laughs. 

"why the fuck would you do that" Taylor yells, her hand on her chest as she breath out loud huffs trying to catch her breath 

"It was Evelyn's idea" Travis quickly points to me, letting out the last of his giggles 

"What? Way to throw me under the bus" My laughs slowly starting to go away 

"Twice!" Taylor yells 

"Never do that again, i nearly died" Taylor says finally catching her breath 

"You are dramatic, you didn't nearly die but you did nearly deafen all of us" Travis pointed out and that comment sent me back into a fit of laughter, holding my stomach. 

We all finish up at rehearsals and head back to the hotel getting ready for bed 

I am in love -Taylor X TravisWhere stories live. Discover now