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Travis POV

Taylor came back into the room twenty minutes later and immediately got back into bed moving herself close to me, i quickly wrap my arms around her and gently squeeze her small frame 

"You okay sweet girl?" I whisper into her hair 

"Yeah, Evelyn just needed to talk" She admits 

"You are amazing to her" I state 

"I really care about her" 

"Yeah i know you do princess" 

Taylor Snuggles closer burring her head so it rests into my neck and she pulls her leg over both of mine. Taylor was the type of person that when she was struggling she would want comfort all the time, be close to who ever was around. So with her clutching to me like i would fall of the earth i knew something was wrong.

"Do you want to talk about it or do you just need comfort?" I ask into her hair 

"I will be okay" She whispers nodding her head 

"I know you will be sweet girl but right now you aren't" 

"I think i just need to be close to you" she admits 

With that confession she pulls herself so she is laying directly on top of me, i hold her tightly with one arm and draw patterns on her back with my other hand. 

"Sleep tight beautiful, i love you" I kiss her head gently and hear her mumble an i love you back, sleep already overcoming her.  

Taylor only had three days left here until she had to leave and go back on tour so i knew i had to do something for her and Evelyn. I closed my eyes and let sleep overcome me. 

My morning alarm rang throughout my ears and i quickly roll over to hit the stop button, trying my best not to wake Taylor i get out of bed and close the bedroom door as i leave. My eyes wander over to the guest bedroom where Evelyn is sleeping for the rest of the week but i notice the light coming from the bottom of the door. I lift my hand and place a quite knock on the door before i open it to reveal Evelyn writing in a small book before her eyes come up to meet mine. 

"Is Taylor awake too?" she asks, her eyes lighting up at the question 

"Not yet, i have to go out and get some things from the shop do you need anything?" I ask 

"No thank you. When will Taylor be up?" 

"Maybe in half an hour or so" i answer before i continue talking "She wouldn't mind of you went a wrote in the room if you just need to be close" i offer and she looks up hopefully 


"Yeah if course, there is a desk in the corner you can just move off my stuff and place it on the ground" i explain and in return Evelyn jumps up from the ground picking up her things and making her way into the room that i just left 

Evelyn POV

I gently moved Travis' things over to the side of his desk before quietly sitting myself down at his desk and continuing to write. I had always found words so pretty although writing out the feelings that were running wild in my head were anything but pretty it helped to express them on paper. 

I felt a little weird sitting in Travis' room while Taylor slept but in this moment where i was figuring out how to feel i needed her comfort, and sitting in this room brought me just enough comfort.

Almost exactly like Travis had said Half an hour later Taylor started to toss and turn right before she opens her eyes 

"Good morning sweetheart" She grumbles rubbing her eyes 

"Good morning, sorry Travis said i can sit in here" I explain 

"That's okay, are you alright?" She asks, sitting up in the bed 

"Yeah i am just doing some writing, Travis had gone to do shopping i think he said" I say closing my book and fully turning my body towards Taylor.

"Okay" she mumbles before opening her arms and making grabby hands at me to go over to her 

I quickly get out of the chair and get onto the bed, moving close to Taylor as she wraps her arms around me 

"So the tour will start back up again in three days" Taylor starts talking and i pull away from her to make eye contact 

"What would you like to do?" she asks 

"Can i come?" i hesitantly asks, not knowing if i was allowed to travel again because i was gone for so long 

"Yeah of course sweetheart i was just meaning do you want to start dancing again or do you just want to sit and watch?" she asks again 

"I would like to eventually start dancing again but maybe not just yet, can i watch on Friday night and see how i feel being back?" I ask 

"Sounds like a good idea" she confirms and we both decide it's time to get out of bed. 

Taylor POV 

I get out of bed and get ready for the day before i go and find Evelyn in the guest bedroom and we head downstairs. 

I learnt about love languages when i was young and i always thought mine to be words of affirmation but Travis' was definitely gift giving and acts of service, hence why he decided to surprise both me and Evelyn on a random Tuesday morning.

Walking down the stairs there is an assortment of flowers and two baskets, one that is way to big and another that is the normal size of a gift basket. I let go of Evelyn's hand and walk towards Travis who has the biggest smile on his face. 

"What's all this?" I ask wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling his face down, for his lips to meet mine 

Travis pulls away from me and his hands naturally rest on my hips "I got you some gifts for when you go back on tour" he explains, placing a kiss on my forehead before moving his gaze to look at Evelyn who is still stood at the bottom of the stairs. 

"This is for you too" Travis announces and Evelyn slowly walks towards the two of us. 

"Thank you Travis you didn't have to" she explains as she reaches her basket and runs her fingers along the gifts inside. 

"I know i didn't have to but i wanted to, you have been having a tough time a deserved something special" he explains removing one of his arms from me to invite Evie into the hug, she walks over and wraps her arms around the both of us. 

In this moment i couldn't be more grateful for the people i had in my arms. I stood in Travis house unsure of what the future holds for any of us but i know that i have to do everything in my power to make sure Evie is okay and safe. 

I am in love -Taylor X TravisWhere stories live. Discover now