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Taylor POV

 Travis was attending tonight's show but he didn't have enough time to see me before hand so i am still unsure weather we are addressing the rumors tonight or just keep people wondering either way i had never had someone that would willing to come to numerous shows and not scared to be seen with me and it was nice, not having to worry that i am being to much or my career would get in the way of our relationships.

the show went well the crowd was insane, i am always amazed at how loud they always manage to be but it is something that never gets old. after waving goodbye to as many people as i can manage i go below the stage to normally change into comfier clothes but right now i can not wait to see Travis so it seems the midnights body suit can stay on a little but longer.

I start walking to the exit tent and see Travis in the distance standing next to my father, i begin to walk faster but unsure of what to do when i get to him.

A nod of his head was all i needed to start running to him, his hands held together behind his back letting me be in full control of how i want this to go and how public i want to be. Once i reach him i only have to open my arms of his to be already tightly wrapped around my waist and i quickly kiss him, while it was only a short kiss it was enough to say thank you and have that moment we both needed.

"you did incredible" he says as we begin to walk into the tent that leads to the outside of the stadium

on the way back to the hotel from the stadium i lay my head on Travis' shoulder and close my eyes, the joy i am feeling about showing the world that i have found someone so kind and genuine who choses me everyday is completely overshadowed by the pain i am right now. being tired after a show was normal for me but when you add my period into it i fell like i might just die. It took me many years to realize that period pain wasn't exactly normal, a few cramps here and there were fine and i could manage that, but what i struggles to deal with was the, emotions, tiredness and the shooting pain that when all around my body every so often. What i hated the most though was how stigmatized periods are, how people get all weird when you mention them and try to get out of the conversation. So i am sat as close to Travis as i possibly can be without being physically on top of him because the only thing in the world that seems to be helping right now is him.

The driver pulls up into the hotel and i slowly get out of of the car and we make our way up to the hotel room, luckily after every show i am tired so my slow walking doesn't seem to go noticed by Travis. I place my phone onto the bench and go curl up into a ball in the not so comfortable bed.

"are you okay sweet girl?" i hear Travis ask as he walks closer to me instead of responding i just let out a noise that i can only describe as one that a little child would make when they didn't get their own way with my head tucked down into the blanket

i felt a kiss placed upon my head then a finger finding its way to my chin, Travis pull my head up ever so slightly so my face is now visible to him then he places another kiss on my lips

"what's the matter?" another question

"i just don't feel the best" i say before lying my my back trying to find a comfortable position Travis doesn't say anything but instead he lets out a soft hum to try to get me to continue

"im getting my period and im just in pain that's all" i try to explain within seconds Travis is in bed next to me and pulling me closer to him

"try and sleep beautiful"

"i can't i'm not even tired just sore" i say before letting out a loud sigh

"is there anything at all i can do to help?" Travis asks before he rests an arm over me gently pulling me towards him.

I am in love -Taylor X TravisWhere stories live. Discover now