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Travis POV

Every time there was a break in either mine or Taylors schedules we would mostly be at each other's houses which i always loved, i love the domestic type of routines that we had created and how we didn't have to do anything drastic to see each other. We could just be together. There was no better feeling than knowing i could walk down the stairs or across the hallway and see the love of my life, i didn't have to get on a plane or plan weeks in advance just to have her in my arms but i understood that she was busy. We both knew that going into this relationship we were busy and had jobs that needed us in different places a lot of the time but we both accepted it. 

It was common knowledge that i didn't like the distance between us and i would do anything to change it but still i had to accept it. Taylor had left to resume her tour two weeks ago which meant that it was only a week and a half until i would see her again but who's counting (me i'm counting) 

I had busied myself for the past week with practice for the game in a week that Taylor wouldn't be able to attended because of her shows but now i lie on my empty bed as i argue with myself internally on whether asking Taylor to move in with me is the right thing to do. I knew without a doubt in my mid that Taylor would be the person i would spend the rest of my life with but we have only been in a relationship for less than a year and the last thing i would want to do is make her uncomfortable. 

I watch the minutes tick by on the clock sitting on my bedside table as i figure out what i am going to do, i try and make a mental pro's and con's list but really there are no negatives to having her with me, even though she will be away for tour and i will be sometimes travelling for work we would still be able to spend more time together than we do now. 

It really isn't that late here so i decide to call Jason and see what his opinion is on the situation. 

"Hey are you busy?" I ask once i hear he has answered the call 

"No what's up?" He answers 

"I was thinking about something and i wanted to get you opinion on it" 

"Okay hit me" 

"I want Taylor to move in with me" I honestly state 

"And she said no, man i knew she was to good for you" Jason laughs 

"What no i haven't asked her yet you ass" 

"Oh sorry man, yeah ask her it would be good" he offers 

"Well you haven't boosted my confidence at all" 

"Trav i was kidding i really don't think she would say no, the way she looks at you and the way she talks about you it's like she thinks you hung the moon or something" Jason explains trying to make up for his previous comment 

"You really think so?"

"Yes Trav, call her tomorrow and tell me what she says"

"Jason you idiot i'm not going to ask her over the phone" I laugh out, i may not be the smartest person but i am a sucker for a romantic moment so even i know that is a question to be asked in person. 

"Okay okay that's fair, good luck" Jason says before he ends the call. 

Taylor POV 

"I miss Travis" I complain, sitting next to my mum in the dressing room 

"Taylor you can see him in two weeks it's okay" she pats my knee 

"Actually a week and a half but still that is too long" I sigh, sliding down from the couch so now i am spread like a starfish on the floor 

"you are too much" she lets out a laugh 

"What if i just go earlier, i could leave at the end of this week and go to his game" I think out loud, not really paying attention to my mum 

"You could" she offers her opinion 

I quickly jump to my feet and locate my phone before calling Tree 

"Taylor Hi are you okay?" she asks 

"Hey yeah i'm fine i was just wondering is it possible for me to go the Chiefs game at the end of the week?" I ask, crossing my fingers in hopes she will say yes 

"I mean yeah you can go but it might not be a wise decision, the media is going crazy about the two of you" she explains 

"That's okay, i don't pay to much attention when they talk about my relationships. Can you just get in contact with the security there and make sure all is okay?"

"Yep, i will message you with the details" she offers and hangs up the phone 

I quickly run out of the dressing room and over to where Evelyn should be with the other dancers, i open the door and see them all sat together as they scroll on their phones, Evelyn is sitting with her back to me so i quickly run up to her and place my hands her shoulders before shouting to scare her. 

Evelyn lets a loud scream out before she turns around and sees me hurled over laughing 

"Taylor" She whines, placing her phone down and coming over to me

"Hey" I speak through the laughs 

"Why did you do that?" she ask softly

"I'm sorry i actually don't know why, i just saw you there and thought it would be funny" I explain 

"I was coming to ask you actually if you wanted to come with me to the Chiefs game at the end of the week, I am going to surprise Trav and i thought you will be with me anyway" I shrug asking her

"Am i allowed to" she asks 

"Yeah of course it will be fun to have you there" 

"Well yeah i would love to come" She nods her head 

"Okay perfect, i will see all you on stage" I raise my voice so everyone can hear and give Evelyn's hand a gentle squeeze before walking back into my dressing room. 

I am in love -Taylor X TravisWhere stories live. Discover now