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Taylor POV

i wake up and turn over to see Travis but he isn't there and for a slight second I'm confused until i see a note on my bedside table that reads " Good morning beautiful i woke you up earlier to say goodbye but you were still half asleep i hope you are feeling better today, also there is breakfast in the fridge for you when ever you are ready to eat. message me when you are awake <3. "

he is absolutely perfect. I pull out my phone and open his contact quickly typing a message "Good morning handsome, i got your note thank you for breakfast and taking care of me. If you get a minute today call me?"

instantly a message pops onto my phone screen " good morning sleepyhead, i'm just recording an episode for the podcast I'll give you a call after i'm done, enjoy breakfast baby"

It is no secret that i am a sucker for words of endearment and the baby comment at the end of his message caused my stomach to fill with butterflies and i suddenly can not wait until i can call him later.

but while i wait for that i have to start getting ready to start the ERAS tour again, as much as my body needed this rest i need to get back out there and finish this tour so it can finally be done with. As much as i am excited to get back out there on stage a small thought is playing on my mind about how i am going to see Travis a lot less than i would like to with all the shows and also the fact that i don't really talk before or after the concert to save my voice.

Travis and i had been talking non stop over messages and calling when we both have the time which usually consists of staying on facetime with each other when we fall asleep. we are having dinner tonight and then staying with each other for a few days.

"Hi gorgeous" i say walking faster when i see Travis and wrapping my arms around Travis neck

"hey beautiful, you smell amazing" he says while nesting his head in my neck and his arms wrapped around my lower back.

as we eat and just enjoy each others company Travis pulls out a box and hands it to me slowly, i raise my eyebrows wondering what he id doing but he just places it in my hand. i slowly open it while maintaining eye contact with Travis but as soon as its complexly opened my eyes fall on one of the most beautiful necklaces I've ever seen it's a small chain with a diamond T in the center, i gently run my finger over the T in awe of it

"i just wanted to give you something that you can have with you when i am not able to be there with you, something that you can wear all the time without anyone really noticing someone gave it too you because we just happen to have the same initial but make no mistake that T means Travis" he pauses for a second to lean over and kiss me "with the present also comes a question and i wasn't really sure how to ask but would you do the absolute honors of being mine?" he asks and i am speechless

"Taylor i'm asking if you'll be my girlfriend an answer be lovely" he says laughing a little, does he really need an answer it quite obvious what ill say

"yes Travis of course" i say standing up to once again have him in my embrace

To say I'm overjoyed would be an understatement, I haven't felt thins happy in a long time but while holding on to Travis I feel a wave of almost insecurity rush over me. Travis was well known in the football world there was no doubt about it but I was kind of well known everywhere and I don't know if he can handle that.

The car ride how was silent, not the awkward silent but a comfortable silence, his hand placed on my thigh and mine placed on his fidgeting every so often.

"Okay what going on?" Travis asks as soon as we walk inside

I stare at the ground, taking my shoes off but fail to return my gaze to him once my shoes are placed neatly by the door

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks another question slowly wrapping his arms around my waist

I make my way to the couch with him following me as we both sit down

"We need to talk about us" I mange to get out

"I enjoy being around you and I promise I'm not taking back what I said earlier at dinner I just my life is messy and I need you to fully understand how messy it can get before you actually fully be in a relationship with me" I continue and Travis just glanced at me to continue

"My life get picked apart every second of everyday, and I'm not complaining I chose this life and I love it, I wouldn't change it but if you are with me your life will also be picked apart. You will be judged for everything you do, your career will also involve me whether we like it or not when you are out on the field the way you play will somehow revolve around me. It's common knowledge that I have a lot of fans but it's also known that there is a lot of people that don't like me and you will get a lot of backlash for being with me, judged for simply showing interest in me and people will try their absolute hardest to tear us apart no matter how much we ignore them, images will be faked, articles will be published, they will ask you questions that they know will get under your skin just to get a reaction out of you to have a story. And I need you to understand all of this before you truly decide weather being with me is worth your time or not." At this point I'm nearly crying hoping he doesn't change his mind

"Taylor when I made you that friendship bracelet and talking about it with Jason I knew what I was getting myself into by putting it in public, I want to be with you no matter what comes along with it and I don't care about the media and the lies that people will try to spin, the outside noise doesn't matter to me and I will spend everyday convincing you of that if you need me to because you are worth it, all of it." He places a kiss upon my head after he finishes

"Yeah?" I ask needing that little bit extra


"There is just one more thing" I say with my head down


"I umm I need you to sign an NDA" I say nearly above a whisper

"Uh why, I mean I will do it but why"

"For my protection really tree has nearly everyone sign one after we made the mistake of letting someone get out of it and what were meant to be private moment between me and this person soon became very public. It just basically says that you won't be talking about anything to do with me that I don't consent to" I explain Travis looks at me his expression changing but still remains calm

"you don't think i would do that do you?" he asks letting go of my hands as his fall onto the sofa

"Travis weather i trust you or not doesn't really matter in this situation i-" i try to explain but im quickly cut off

"When i started liking you Taylor, i was no secret from my family that i had a crush on you and wanted to get to know you but i never went out of my way to google things about you or read articles because i had some hope that maybe i would hear these things from you yourself but i always knew you weren't big on football players, you have opinions about us and i will be the first to admit that some guys i play with are the dicks you sing about but i thought you maybe thought differently about me" he says no standing up so there is distance between us

"No Trav it's just something that i have to do" i say getting a little defensive now

"Taylor, i cant lie im a little hurt you just insinuated that i would talk about you in the fucking locker rooms or something. i not the type of guy to go and sell a story about our private lives" argues back

"im sorry" is all i can muster up

"you don't even deny it Taylor, you truly think i would do that to you"

"of course i don't think of you like that im sorry if it seemed like that's what i meant but if you want me as your girlfriend then the NDA is non negotiable Travis"

Travis walks towards me gently pulling my head into his hands and places a kiss on my forehead "im not leaving you, i mean what i said at dinner i promise" he stops talking and places another kiss on my head "but i need a minute to just be with myself and my thoughts i need you to respect that" he explains and walks away from me.

i am sat on the sofa still fidgeting with my hands unsure or what Travis is doing or where he is going but i figured i wasn't in a place to ask him questions so when i hear the door close i keep myself sat as tears begin to make there way out of eyes slowly rolling down my cheeks.

I am in love -Taylor X TravisWhere stories live. Discover now