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Taylor POV

Handsome boy: im sorry sweet girl

 sweet girl?

im sorry? my mind went wild, was this an im sorry i don't love you anymore? an im sorry i slept with someone else? my mind was running faster than even and only slowed down when another text came through

Handsome boy: i miss you

i threw my phone across the room as soon as i read the message, tears streaming down my face and at an alarming rate. i sat up and flicked on my lamp next to the bed and took deep breaths until i was breathing at a steady rate again, tears still finding their way down my cheeks I got out of bed and made my way over to my phone picking it up and finally opening the message

Me: i miss you too

Handsome boy: im sorry my love

Me: don't be, you needed time. are you okay?

Handsome boy: i am now. i love you

me: i love you too, can i call you or come see you?

Handsome boy: you never have to ask of course, you don't have to come though take time to rest 

i called him as soon as that message came through

"I'm so sorry sweetheart" Travis get out as soon as he answers the phone

"I love you" i manage tears still in my eyes "can i come see you?" i ask

"you want to?" he answers with a question he voice lacing traces of sadness

"of course" i reply way too quickly

"I'll see you soon"

then the line goes dead. Words can not describe how happy i am to know that i didn't lose him but also knowing that whenever everything isn't perfect he could just walk away, i don't like knowing how easy i would go back to him time and time again. Morning came and im about to land in KC Travis knew i was coming but i assumed he thinks maybe in a few days, not that i would get on a plane soon after our phone call last night.

Travis POV

I woke up and for the first time in about a week i didn't have to stop myself from messaging Taylor

Me: Good morning beautiful can i call you?

within seconds a message came through

Sweet girl: I'll do you one better, come open your door

I'd like to think i am fast on the field when playing but i can confidently say that i don't think i have ran faster in my life, jumping out of bed and racing down the stairs, around the corner and swinging the front door open so hard im sure it could have fallen off the hinges.

She stood there looking as beautiful as always, but she didn't wrap her arms around me like she usually did, that's when it hit me. I had hurt her, i knew i would have and i felt terrible for it but in that moment seeing her standing there i knew that i had single handedly broken her heart. Not knowing if she wanted a hug or to not be touched i just stepped to the side and let her walk in closing the door behind her

"hi" she mutters as she leans down to take off her shoes

"how was your flight?" i ask, this is so awkward.

"can i hug you?" she stands back up tilting her head so we can make eye contact

"of course" i say immediately we both wrap our arms around each other relaxing into each other's touch.

I am in love -Taylor X TravisWhere stories live. Discover now