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Evelyn POV 

Collectively i had been staying and hanging around Taylor for a month and a half, she would never admit that i am getting in the way or she no longer wants me with her but the last thing i want to do is over stay my welcome. 

For the past two days i had watched Taylor and Travis so in love and happy, i wasn't feeling the best and i didn't want to bring their mood down so i just kept to myself and stayed in Travis' guest bedroom. 

Currently i was sat at the white desk in the corner off the room writing so much that my fingers were starting to hurt. I was in my own head about how much longer i should stay with Taylor and i was trying to figure out how on earth i could live by myself, or where i could go. 

My back is facing to door leading into the bedroom so i don't realize that Taylor is stood there until she softly places a knock on the walls, causing me to turn around. 

"Hi" i softy say 

"Hey, are you okay?" she asks 

"Yep all good" I lie 

"working around many different people your whole life gets really overwhelming sometimes, but i can always tell when someone is lying" She states, walking deeper into the room 


"You don't have to tell me what's wrong if you aren't comfortable but i'm worried about you" 

"Nothings wrong, i just like sitting in here and writing" I lie again 

"Okay" she sighs out 

I go back to my writing, quickly finishing off the page i was doing before my mouth takes over and i randomly start to speak. 

"I think i should leave. I don't want to be a burden anymore so i think i will go back home" I blurt out, not even sure if Taylor is still in the room or not but i wasn't going to dare look to see 

"You are not a burden." She starts 

"But if you truly want to go home then that's okay, why didn't you want me to know?" she asks softly and i turn around on my chair to now face her 

"I didn't want you to be mad" I confess 

Taylor walks over to me and places her phone on the desk i am currently sitting at, she takes my hand and leads me over to the freshly made bed. Taylor get up to the pillows, making herself comfortable before making grabby hands at me to join her. 

Any time someone was in a conversation with Taylor she always made it a task to place her phone somewhere else so that the person talking to her knew that they had her full attention, i liked that. Knowing that she was listening to me because she wanted to. 

I quickly get onto the bed, following her lead and getting comfortable on the pillows before i feel Taylor's arm come over me and naturally i move myself closer. Needing her comfort 

Taylor POV 

for the last few days Evelyn has been in her room all day and only came out to eat, which wasn't a whole lot anyway. I was worried about her and right now in this moment with her curled up in my arms i am worried about her still. 

The same girl who told me a few weeks ago that her family was unkind and didn't show her enough love is not the same girl i am looking at right now, she seems more closed off and unhappy with the world. 

"Do you actually want to go back home?" I ask, not fully believing what she was saying 

"I don't like it there" She confesses and it confuses me more  

"Sweetheart, i'm confused why do you want to back there?" I asks, rubbing her back up and down 

"I don't want to be in the way any more" 

"you aren't in the way, i like having you around and knowing that you are being taken care of" I honestly state 

"But you and Travis deserve your own space and now you are living here and he wont want me here so i am just going to go back" she explains 

"If you want to be back there then i can't stop you but i need you to know that you don't have to go, you aren't in the way and you aren't a burden." I try 

"I want to believe you but i just hate knowing that i could be making your life harder" she speaks slowly

I knew very well from experience that the negative thoughts circling your head are way easier to believe than the positive words someone is trying to tell you. I gently continue to scratch up and down her back while trying to figure out what to do. 

"What if you stay with me until the tour ends in December and then if you feel the same and want to go then we can take you back there. Or another option is, we find you a place to live here." I explain 

"Taylor you pay me, you know i cant afford a house by myself here" She says 

"Yes i know that, I would get you a place" I confess. 

"No you cant do that, that's to much " she says instantly 

"No it isn't, i promise. I want to make sure you are okay and looked after, your safety and happiness are the most important things right now." I explain

"I would never let you do that, that's really expensive Taylor" 

"Okay what if we call it a Christmas present or a birthday present because what your birthday is next month?" I ask, hoping she will agree 

"What! Taylor you cant give me a house and say happy birthday" She giggles, moving herself to sit up 

"I can, it seems like it would be a good present." I argue back 

"No it wouldn't be that is crazy" she laughs out 

"Travis baby, come here" i call out loudly, hoping he will hear and come 

Seconds later Travis is standing in the doorway of the room

"What's up beautiful?" He asks 

"Would you think getting a house is a good birthday gift?" I ask him, hoping he says yes 

"A house?" He clarifies

"Yes a house, would it be a good present?" 

"Yeah of course" He agrees and i fist pump in the air

"Told you" I look down at Evie who is silently laughing and shaking her head 

"I was going to get her a house or apartment or whatever she likes for when the tour ends, so she can have freedom but i can make sure she is okay" i explain to Travis who is visibly confused as to why i asked him 

"oh okay. That sounds good, where are you looking?" he asks 

"Oh well i only just decided this so i haven't had time to look" i giggle and that sends Evelyn into a fit of laughter and causes Travis to be even more confused 

"Okay you guys are being weird" Travis says before walking back to whatever he was doing 

"Okay, lets look at some places" I say 

"Taylor seriously you don't have to" she tries again but i just shake my head

I am in love -Taylor X TravisWhere stories live. Discover now