#84: Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex

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Rating: E

Players: 1

Price Range: ~$15 USD

A game featuring Crash Bandicoot.

Okay, unlike Spyro, I don't have much to say about Crash since, well, I haven't really played the games minus this one.

Okay, let's look at the versions.

This version has a lower framerate compared to the PS2 version, but better loading times, while the PS2 version has insanely long loading screens, but 60fps.

It really is a pick your own poison situation.

As for the game?

Well, for one, the graphics are not that very good, with the in-engine cutscenes looking atrocious today. Even in the levels they're not even remotely impressive, not in the slightest.

As for the gameplay, it is standard Crash fare. I will say if you like Crash, then this isn't a bad time and is at least a novelty given that it is basically rendered non-canon from Crash 4.

However, some of the vehicle stages are kind of annoying given their control, and I heard that platinum relics are kind of insufferable to go grind for, even if I don't really care for them.

Unfortunately, if you are looking for some brand new and crazy concepts for Crash Bandicoot, you ae out of luck here.

The best they do is add more vehicles and machines to operate, this incredibly situation powerup that lets you walk as slow as molasses safely across nitro crates, this new character Crunch (ha ha funny joke) being the boss of all the worlds minus the final one, these...rolling ball sections that are fine except in the first boss fight that feels like it takes forever and is kind of annoying, and this new character being helped by these elemental masks...I guess.

Okay, look, the game is inexpensive today. If you like Crash, then trying this one isn't the worst thing in the world, but the lack of polish, especially in mechanics, design, graphics, and animations could make this difficult to recommend to anyone else.

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