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I wake up and get ready to go to school, I couldn't forget what happened. I brush my teeth and stick my school uniform on. It was a white blouse,black blazer,black tie and a pleated skirt. I always put a belt on to make my waist stand out, plus my skirt was always falling down as the waist sizes never fit me. I put my knee high socks on and walk down the stairs.

My mum wasn't home. My mum and dad split awhile go at the start of year9 and now I was starting year10. I make myself some jam and toast and stick the TV on.

2 bodies have been found. The news channel shown their faces and sure enough it was the two men from last night. I felt sick to my stomach. I check the time and I was running late for school but that didn't bother me. I go upstairs and find my dirty converse. I put them on and do the laces up, I grab my school bag from the hook on the back off my door and then leave the house.

My bag would only be full with vapes,makeup and tampons just incase. I didn't really care about school if Im being honest. I decided I'd walk today as it wasn't too warm nor too cold. There was a nice breeze and the sun was out. Perfect. I plug my earphones in and start playing my music. It was mostly girls aloud. My mum brought me up listening to them so I adored the girl group. My favourite is Nadine. I always thought she was pretty. I quickly take one earphone out and walk into my local post office. The workers loved me as I was always there every morning getting a red bull and come chewing gum.

"Hey Mia, getting your usual stuff?"

"Yup a nice cold redbull and the strawberry chewing gum"

I went over to the fridge and got myself 2 redbulls as I would need the energy though out the day. I go up to the counter and place my stuff down. I get the chewing gum from the side and place it down. Ben placed another packet down and said I could just have everything for free.

"Awe no are you sure? I feel bad"

"Mia you're always in here. You're the one who probably made us minted so yes I'm sure"

"Awh thank you"

We give eachother a fist bump and then I was back on my way to school. I take my vape out of my bag and plug my earphone back in. I started puffing away and scrolling through my Snapchat. Reece sent me a message.

Mia don't be late there's that new girl remember. You're the one being trusted to look after her for some reason

Haha Reece I'll be good to her don't worry I'm not horrible.

Are you sure bout that? Didn't you kick Marjorie down some stairs because she snitched on you for copying her work

Shut it Reece I'm coming now.

I hated Marjorie. She always thought she was above everyone because she was smart. Lucky for me I only had 2 lessons with her today. Maths and french.

I was now only round the corner from school. I hide my vape in my bra and take my earphones out. I walk down the long road to get to the building. The road was honestly such a drag. It took the piss. I walk through the school gates and go into reception. I sign myself in and I had to give a reason I was late.

"Right Amelia what's your excuse today"

"I told you I prefer being called Mia and I'm late because I couldn't be assed coming in"

"Very well"

They let me through and now it was time to walk to french. It was only second period so I wasn't really that much behind. I look up at the stairs.

"God this is a fucking mission, hiking up steep mountains would be easier than this" I mutter to myself.

"Hey do you know where the french room is?"

I turn around and see some girl. She was really pretty. She had gorgeous brown hair that went just below her chest, bright blue eyes and a cute smile.

"Yeh I do I'm in that class right now, who are you?"

"Oh I'm Charlotte"

"Hey Charlotte I'm Mia, I'm guessing you're the girl who I'm meant to be looking after?"

"Yep that will be me"

She was so cheery and happy. I wish I was like that. We walk up into french and we sit down. The teacher does the registration.

"Reece,Autumn,Marjorie,Charlotte,Mia, Deliah, Jack, Kyle, Alexis, Macey, Anaya, Chloe, Carter, Lily and finally Jason"

The class didn't really have alot of people in because our year group was pretty small. There was only 35 pupils. We get our books out and start writing down the date and title for the lesson. I look over at Charlotte's book and wow. She was good at art. It was covered with sketches and what not. My attention goes back to the teacher as she shouts my name.

"Mia, say this"

"Miss, I can't"

"You can't what?"

I stand up and break into a song while dancing.


Autumn,Charlotte and Deliah start giggling and Reece was trying to hold in a laugh. Marjorie on the other hand looked fuming.

"Mia shut up and down will you" Marjorie angrily says.

"Woo calm down there Margy those specs might come flying off if you keep shouting"

I started giggling to myself and sit back down.

I notice Charlotte looking at me and smiling.

Sweet serial killer - MialotteWhere stories live. Discover now