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Mia's POV -

I hear Carly shouting from behind me.


Suddenly Deliah comes out of nowhere and starts shouting at Charlotte.

D - "you're a fucking whore Charlotte"

Autumn stands up and so do I.

Charlotte brings her hand out so I pull her up and put my arms around her.

A - "Deliah back off now"

D - "no Mia's meant to be with me. She knows I've had a crush on her since forever and she's fucked me off for some whore"

M - "Deliah don't talk about Charlotte like that what the fuck has she actually done to you?"

Marjorie and Reece take Carly away from the park, I'm guessing they're taking her back home.

Deliah still hasn't said a word. Autumn starts shouting louder and is getting in her face. Siobhan has her phone out and is laughing.

D - "she's done nothing but look at her the slag"

I go up to Deliah and smack her. Sorscha runs over to Charlotte and says she's taking her back to mine.

M - "don't speak down on her again Deliah"

A - "Deliah you're acting like a physco ex"

Deliah shoves Autumn out of her way. Autumn runs up to her and rags her down by her hair. Now Siobhan's flash is on.

Of course she's recording.

We let Autumn at her.

After 30 seconds me and Siobhan go over and split them apart.

Siobhan goes off with Deliah while I stay with Autumn.

M - "why did you go for her?"

A - "Mia come on I grew up with you, I'm not letting someone disrespect you and your girlfriend"

Me and Autumn decide to walk back to mine.

A - "when did you two get together? You're actually really cute"

M - "it's been a week now, I've been staying at hers everyday"

A - "well I hope you two last you're seriously adorable together"

M - "thanks Autumn that...means a lot coming from you"

We get to my place. Autumn goes into the living room to speak to Aria while I go straight up to my bedroom to see Charlotte.

She's crying her eyes out, I look at Sorscha and she leaves.

I grab Charlotte up by her arms and wrap my arms around her.

M - "Deliah's been dealt with don't worry, you're not any of those things sweetheart"

C - "why doesn't she like me Mia? I've done fuck all wrong"

I kiss her forehead to help calm her.

M - "it doesn't matter if she likes you or not. Me and everyone else adore you"

I rock her side to side to help her calm down even more. She rests her head in my chest.

M - "you're my girlfriend Char, I won't let anyone harm you and I swear down on my life"

Her arms go around me and get tighter by the second.

M - "right I'm getting us something to eat a drink"

Charlotte's still clinging onto me, I carry her down the stairs and into the kitchen. I try to set her down on the counter but she isn't having it. Her legs are wrapped around my waist and her arms around my neck.

I waddle over to the fridge and get some fridge raiders out.

M - "fancy a pot noodle?"

I hear a laugh and a yes.

C - "if you have the green one can you take the vegetables out? I don't like them"

M - "anything for you, can I put you down now so I can make them?"

C - "ugh fine"

I walk over to the counter and place her down. I put my hands on her thighs and we make strong eye contact. Before I walk away she lifts my chin up and pulls me in for a kiss.

It was meant to be one but it turned into ten.

M - "you're so cute"

I hear another giggle. I can't get over her little giggles. They're adorable.

I go back over to the kettle and pour the hot water into the noodles.

A - "you two need to get a room"

C - "that's where we're off to after our pot noodles are done"

I choke on air.

M - "bold aren't you? Come here and get your noodles"

She rushes over and we say bye to Autumn.

A - "can I spend the night with Sorscha?"

M - "yeah sure just make sure you get us up for school"

Autumn nods.

Me and Charlotte take our noodles and fridge raiders upstairs. I go on my phone and look at the picture of Charlotte sat on my leg.

M - "Char am I alright to post this on my Instagram story?"

C - "sure! Tag me in it"

I post the picture along with a song.

Parachute - Cheryl Cole

I get a notification from Siobhan.

I open her snapchat message to see the fight between Autumn and Deliah.

C - "huh what's that"

M - "nothing don't worry about it"

Charlotte snuggles into me.

C - "god I know I'm practically on you but you're not close enough"

Charlotte is now sat on my lower stomach. She cups my face and won't stop kissing me.

M - "I'm really glad we've made it official. It's been killing me, but now I've finally got my own girl to kiss"

She playfully punches me in my arm and rolls off me onto my back.

I grab the fridge raiders and start eating mine. Charlotte sticks her hand in and takes one.


She laughs and grabs her bag. She opens it and gives me one.

I smile. I don't think I've ever cared about someone so much.

Not even Chris.

Charlotte grabs her pot noodle and sulks.

M - "what is it?"

C - "the vegetables are still in here"

I grab the empty fridge raiders packet and empty the vegetables into there.

M - "all gone now"

I give her a quick peck and I put Off The Record on youtube.

C - "I love girls aloud"

M - "yeah same I've always had the fattest crush on Nadine"

Charlotte coughs and gives me evil eyes.

Sweet serial killer - MialotteWhere stories live. Discover now