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Mia's POV -

I wake up and immediately grab my phone to see what time it is.

9:37AM. I try to go back to sleep but my body isn't allowing it, I sit up and go on my snapchat and see that two girls from the year above have messaged me. The group chat won't stop spamming me.

Mia - can you all fuck off I've just woken up

Autumn - Mia you really need to see this

Carly - yeah ..

Autumn sends a photo and it's CHRIS AND IZZY?!?

Mia - what the fuck swear fucking down

Deliah - Mia calm down relax

Mia - how the fuck am I meant to relax? My boyfriend has cheated on me.

Charlotte - go mad that's what I'd do

Autumn - oh guys sorry for changing the topic but it's going around that apparently Sorscha almost got killed last night

Charlotte - wait what. What happened?

Carly - oh so I heard that Sorscha was in town after a date with her girlfriend and then out of nowhere someone dressed in all black put a knife to her throat while telling her to not say anything bad about us or she'll regret it

Charlotte - oh fucking hell that's frightening

Mia - Jesus I know I don't like her but is she alright?

Carly - she's fine now

Deliah - also Mia where did you go last night? Your location didn't change for an hour and then you were suddenly in the middle of town

Mia - oh...I fell asleep after I got home from yours and when I woke up my vape was dead so I went to town for a new one

Autumn - mhm, are you sure Mia?

I leave the group on opened and open the message Izzy had sent. Chris didn't cheat on me with just her, he also cheated on me with Kelsey.

Izzy - Mia I don't know what do Chris cheated on me with Kelsey

Mia - Izzy what the fuck do you mean Chris is my boyfriend

Izzy - no he said to me he was single and that he didn't know you we've been together for the past 6 months

Mia - send me screenshots. I've been with him for a fucking year and a half

She sends the screenshots and I'll I can do is sit in disbelief. He cheated on me with Izzy and then he cheated on Izzy with Kelsey.

I can't believe this is happening. I open the group chat back up and all there is, is a fight video of Izzy and Kelsey.

Carly - omg Izzy and Kelsey had a fight last night

Mia - yeah Chris told Izzy he was single and he cheated on her with Kelsey.

Charlotte - omg Mia I'm so sorry you don't deserve that

I leave the group and I sit in silence. I feel numb.

I realise what actually happened and now I'm crying. Not because I'm hurt or that I'm shocked. Because I'm angry.

I knew for awhile the relationship between me and Chris was over.

He would always threaten to smash my head in if I wasn't home at a certain time, he didn't like me hanging around with my friends, he'd always call me fat, he would ALWAYS accuse me of cheating if I didn't pick the phone up straight away when he called.

Mia - Chris it's fucking over

Chris - sound only wanted you for a shag anyway.

I block his number and every social he has. I knew he only wanted one thing from me but it didn't seem to bother me, I just allowed it to happen. I use to do anything he wanted me to do just so he wouldn't leave but now he's gone.

I sob my heart out into my pillow. I don't know what to fucking do.

Mia - hey Carly is Aria still at yours x

Carly - yeah, why? Do you want her home? x

Mia - no it's fine keep her there for atleast a few more hours alright x

Carly - sure let me know when you want her back x

Mia - will do x

I slide off our chat and look around my room for my weed stash. Well it's Chris' stash, but now we've broke up It's mine.

I get some skins out of the kitchen and roll myself a blunt. If I can't feel anything it'll be better. I look around for a lighter and there isn't one so I put the toaster down without any bread in it and wait for it to heat up. Now that it's hot I take the blunt and keep hold of one end while the other end touches the inside of the toaster. It took a minute but now it's finally lit.

I start to smoke it and flick the ash off into the sink. I scroll through tiktok and in a short time I was almost done with the blunt. Instead of putting it in the sink and pressing it down I look down at my thigh.

Without thinking I place the lit side down onto my thigh pressing it down firmly so I can feel some sort of pain. It worked.

Now I'm left with a burn mark on my thigh. I go upstairs and put a face cloth into some cold water and compress it onto my burn.

I jump onto my bed and lay there looking at the ceiling, I'm too stoned to move.

My room door is shut,the windows open,it's raining,my rooms dark with nothing but my LED lights on.

I manage to put my back against my headboard and I message someone.

Mia - Hey, can you come over? I'm stoned and don't want to be alone and if you do come can you please bring me food please? Also you can walk straight in and come up to my room. If I'm asleep just nudge me awake x

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