obviously Charlotte

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Autumn's POV -

I open my eyes and see glitter and empty cups on the stone cold floor. I sit myself up a realise that we all took it too far last night. I look around and see Mia passed out on the floor with a huge hickey on her neck, Charlotte also has one.

Wow. Mia and Char? I always thought it would be Deliah and Mia who would mark eachother, I guess not.

Carly and Aria are both wrapped up in blankets on the sofa, I nudge Carly awake and tell her that I'm going to be leaving soon. All she does is grunt and tells me to go away. Everyone here is always so moody when they get woken up. I get myself up and start tidying around abit so Mia wouldn't have alot to do. My head is banging so I look in all the cupboards and find the paracetamol, I take one out and take it with a drink that was on the side. It's vodka and lemonade. Of course it fucking is. Everyone in this group are all alcoholics, swear down they are. All we ever do is drink when we get together, I'm not complaining though as it gives me an excuse to kiss Mia.

I've always found Mia quite fit, she's everything I want in a girlfriend.

Tall,nose piercing,nice hair,nice voice and good looks.

If anyone told you Mia was ugly you'd instantly disagree. I also find Charlotte quite fit. She's the complete opposite of Mia.

She's nice,petite and has a gorgeous smile.

I'm in the middle of Charlotte and Mia. I'm not exactly short but I'm not tall. I don't have a horrible attitude but I'm also not the nicest.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear walking around in the living room, I go in and see Mia and Char hurled up in a blanket together. Charlotte has her head resting on Mia's shoulder.

Autumn - "hey guys I'm heading off now, I've cleaned up a bit so you don't have much to do"

Mia - "oh thanks Aut I really appreciate that"

Autumn - "you two certainly had a good time last night"

Charlotte - "what do you mean?"

Autumn - "look at your necks"

I give them a wink and walk out.

Mia's POV -

Mia - "fucking hell Charlotte you've got a massive hickey on your neck"

Charlotte - "yeah so do you"

Mia - "who the fuck gave you that and who gave me this"

Charlotte - "hoping it's you who gave me this and I gave you that one"

I let out a sigh of relief. I really do hope I'm the one who gave Charlotte hers and noone else.

I lean in and give her a kiss.

I don't know why I feel this way about her. I've never been attracted to a woman before, well that's a lie. I've had small crushes on women before but it's nothing like this.

A smile appears on Charlotte's face and I can tell she's blushing, she tries to hide her face with her hair but I brush it back. She burys her face into my shoulder this time. I can't move her now.

Mia - "Char could you move for a second so I can sort the blanket out?"

As she moves I look above and see Carly and Aria asleep on the sofa.

Mia - "on second thought we should go upstairs look at those two"

Charlotte - "oh yeah sure"

I grab some food from the kitchen and i run up the stairs. I throw everything on the bed and notice Charlotte isn't up here.

I go back down the stairs and see that she's fell back asleep on the floor. I gently nudge her and throw her over my shoulder.

Mia - "come on you it's 1:37PM"

Charlotte - "wow you're strong"

Mia - "no I'm not, you just don't weigh a lot"

We both let out a small giggle and I carry her up the stairs. She won't stop laughing everytime we go up a step as she would bounce everytime.

I gently throw her down on the bed. I get into the bed and throw the blankets over us so we're warm.

I grab the TV remote and look through netflix. I put Dynasty on as it's one of my favourite series.

You know, the one with Liz Gillies?

Mia - "god she's hot"

Charlotte - "she is, isn't she"

Mia - "shit I thought I said that in my head"

Charlotte - "have you not been with a girl before? I'm just wondering as you didn't hesitat to kiss me"

Mia - "well I've thought of being with a girl but I've never been brave enough to actually date one"

Charlotte - "you know there's a first time for everything, I can be your first"

Mia - "well i- I don't know"

Charlotte - "Mia. I know you want to"

For fucks sake. Why is she right.

Autumn's POV -

I make my way to Deliah's to talk to her about what happened last night. I walk straight in and go up to her room.

Deliah - "oh hey Aut I didn't know you were coming"

Autumn - "I didn't know either I was walking by and decided to come in"

Deliah - "I'm happy you did I'm fucking fuming from last night, I now won't end up with the love of my life because of that stupid fucking girl"

Autumn "woah woah Deliah calm down it'll be fine"

Deliah - "is it though?"

Autumn - "well no I know how you feel, I'm the same with Winter"

Deliah - "wow you have a crush on WINTER?!?"

Autumn - "don't say it like that but yeah. He's so caught up in Siobhan though"

Deliah - "trust me Autumn, he's really not."

Autumn - "right were going off topic here it's about you. You know Char and Mia we're really CLOSE this morning"

Deliah - "what do you mean?"

Autumn - "well Char had her head on Mia's shoulder and they really look like they like eachother"


Deliah gets up and starts throwing things around her room. I immediately pin her down onto the bed.

Autumn - "Deliah, calm down. It'll all work out. Also who do you think is the love of your life?"

Deliah - "obviously Charlotte."

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