mirror shards

716 23 37

Mia's POV -

My body does that fake fall thing so I jump up. It's 1:47PM. All I want to do is have a normal sleep schedule, I grab my phone and notice missed calls from Autumn. I open one of her messages.

What the fuck Mia? Charlotte's been sobbing because of you fucking sort it

I roll my eyes and just ignore her as I'm really not in the arguing mood today.

I try my hardest to fall back asleep but something won't allow me. It's the thought of seeing Charlotte hurt. For fucks sake. I just want that bitch out of my head. I want her gone. I want her GONE. I get my phone and message her.

Come over in the next 2 hours

Oh okay? Sure?

Why are you putting question marks? It's not a question it's a demand Charlotte.

Okay sorry Mia.

She brings me so much fucking anger. I really don't know why. I see Bailey's name pop up at the top of my screen and I feel a smile creep onto my face.

Hey Mia babe x I miss you when can I next come over? x

You can come over later like around 6 I'll get some vodka from the shop x

Sure x Does Aria know we're official?

No..and I'm not planning on telling her anyway x

Me and Bailey are finally together after 2 fucking years. I wasted most of my time on Chris and it feels nice saying I have a girlfriend. We have been waiting a while to actually get together, even when I was with Chris, Bailey was always the first person who would come into my head whenever I kissed him.

Everytime I see or hear Bailey's name I smile, something about her is just so mesmerising. She has long flowy black hair,perfect eyeliner and she wears whatever she wants and she looks good doing it. She's always down to do drugs or drink, even on a school night which made me more attracted to her. We dress quite similar but yet so different. I wear the dark colours where she wears the beige and greys. She has blue eyes, similar to Charlotte's, but Bailey is more of my kinda girl. She's nice but not overly nice like Charlotte.

After day-dreaming I finally hop out of bed and put some clean clothes on.

Mhm dark red top and a pair of black cargos. I really am my biggest fan, I always look good. I play with my hair until I find the style I want. Perfect. Messy but not to messy. Bailey would love to see this. I know she would go CRAZY for it.

I snap a picture and post it onto my snapchat story. To my surprise Chris pops up. I swear I blocked him on everything, that's when I realise it's his second account. For fucks sake Mia you dickhead. I open his message.

Gorgeous Mia xxx

Chris fuck off my girlfriend won't be happy if she finds out you're messaging me.

Wow Mia you switched teams? Makes me even more attracted to you.

Gross. I block him and get myself back onto my bed. A message from Bailey comes up this time.

God you're gorgeous Mia x Glad you fucked that Charlotte girl off for me x

I'd do it anytime for you, you're gorgeous x

Can't wait to see you x

I smile so hard my cheeks start to hurt. The smile drops when I see that Charlotte's messaged me.

What the fuck does she want?

Mia once again I'm sorry

Omg fuck off apologising just come over in a few hours.

Okay okay.

She's really starting to annoy me now.

Charlotte's POV -

It's now 4PM so I walk to Mia's.

Mia I'm coming now

No response but she's seen it.

I should be fine.

I get to her front door and I touch the handle but my blood runs cold.

Do I turn back?
Do I stay?
What's scaring me?

Before Mia notices me I notice her with a knife in her hand covered in some sort of red liquid. No. I'm out. I turn back and make my way back home. I distract myself and go on tiktok, until I bump into someone.

B - "heyy Charlotte isn't it?

C - "yeah...hey Bailey it's been awhile"

B - "yeah I know I'm just off to my girlfriend's place"

C - "awh cute what's her name?"

B - "Mia, you know the one with the gorgeous red hair?"

C - "yeahhh"

I quickly disengage in the conversation.

C - "sorry my mum's calling, I'll see you around?"

B - "yup you sure will"

What the fuck does that mean? I pretend to answer a call and begin to walk off. My pace gets faster and faster until I reach my front door. I get myself in and chuck my shoes off.

I get to the bathroom and run myself a bath, I take my socks off and step in some mirror shards.

Where the fuck did they come from?

I turn to the side and look at the mirror.

It's all smashed into smaller shards, I look to the side and there's a message written in some sort of red liquid. I'm guessing it's blood. I tilt my head so I can read the message clearly without any struggle.

"I know your secret Charlotte, don't worry I won't tell anyone"

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