the promise I made is starting to fade

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A//N peep the girls aloud reference.

= You can probably guess what's gonna happen from the chapter name.

Mia's POV -

It's now been 2 hours since Autumn's been here so I ask her to leave. She happily leaves and I tell her to send me a message so I know she gets home safe.

M - "Charlotte go in the living room"

Without a question she goes off. I eye her up and down as she turns away from me. I make two cuppas.


C - "yeh two please thank you"

I pull the teabags out and chuck them into the bin, I get the milk out the fridge and pour it in our cups. I waddle to the living room and sit down next to Charlotte. We take a sip each and I notice she's scared.

C - "Mia..."

M - "you're nervous..are you alright?"

I slide my hand onto her thigh and start caressing it.

M - "Charlotte it's fine just tell me whatever you want to talk about"

C - "Mia it's hard you know"

M - "yeah I get that and I promised you whatever you say won't affect our friendship"

C - "are you certain?"

M - "I pinky promised didn't I?"

I can tell she's under alot of stress right now, I continue to rub her thigh and I let her put her legs over me.

M - "i swear down nothing can change us Charlotte, you're probably the person I'm the most closest to"

C - "what about Autumn or Bailey?"

M - "yeah I'm close to them but I just bond better with you for some strange reason"

C - "awh Mia that's actually really nice of you"

I look in her eyes and give her a smile.

Charlottes eyes are gorgeous. The bright blue colour looks like the ocean. Her freckles make her look 10x better.

I move her legs off me and I shuffle up closer to her, I slide my hand behind her to wrap her in-between of my body and arm. She instantly looks relaxed and calm.

I just need Charlotte to tell me what she wants to say. I'm getting stressed out myself.

M - "do you maybe want to go upstairs and into bed? It is 2AM"

C - "no I think we're fine here"

M - "are you sure? I mean I could snuggle yo-"


I laugh as I knew that would change her mind.

M - "want me to carry you or something?"

C - "yes please"

Charlotte jumps on my back and wraps her legs around while, I bend down and pick out drinks up. I slowly walk up the stairs being careful so I don't drop her. I don't really care about the drinks, all I care about is getting Charlotte up and into bed. She jumps off my back and onto the bed while letting out small giggles. She's adorable.

I cover her in blankets and some teddies I have on the bed.

C - "you're bed is so comfy I could stay here forever"

M - "oh you can Charlotte, stay here forever it doesn't phase me pretty"

C - "do you really mean it when you call me pretty?"

I sit myself down next to Charlotte and she rolls over onto me leaving me with no choice but to play with her hair.

M - "of course I do Char, look at you. With those big blue eyes and the freckles. You're soft lips aswell. You're perfect. I can seriously look at your eyes and fall in love with you, whoever next has you is lucky"

I look down and notice Charlottes pupils are dialated.

M - "you're pupils are dialated hun"

C - "Mia do you seriously mean that, because I can get lost in those green eyes of yours they're gorgeous"

M - "enough Charlotte this is about you and not me - so what do you want to talk to me about? Also can I get up so I can wipe this makeup off I've had it in for a day now"

C - "if you can get me off then you can"

Now this is going to be a struggle. Charlotte always clings onto me tight so I can't get her off. This time her grip has tighter than usual - not complaining though. It feels good having someone with me and who doesn't want to leave.

C - "come on Mia put those muscles to use girl"

I start laughing uncontrollably, she's so unintentionally funny. I realise that I'm blushing.

C - "look at you blushing, how cute"

M - "shut up sweetheart"

Now Charlotte's the one whose blushing.

M - "awh look at you blushing"

She rolls off me and starts sulking. I can't help but laugh even harder.

I get up and chug the rest of my drink since it's cooled down a lot. I move to my vanity and take out my cotton pads and micellar water.

I begin to wipe my makeup off when I hear a loud sigh.

M - "everything alright?"

C - "right Mia...I'm ready to tell you"

M - "oh okay then sweetheart go ahead"

C - "god this is really tense...but Mia since I bumped into you at the bottom of those stairs that day I've realised that I possibly like you....more than a friend. I know we've only known eachother for what 2 months now but I can't help but feel these feelings towards you, they way you kiss me is just amazing"

M - "oh Charlotte"

C - "Mia you promised that you won't change our friendship because of thi-"

M - "oh my god just shut the fuck up you know this is going to change our friendship Charlotte you fucking knew it would"

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