sorry Mia

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Mia's POV -

The friend group has now sorted everything out, Sorscha's apologised, I hinted at an apology because I don't apologise.

Now we're back as the 10.

I get ready for school, I really can't be arsed. I get Aria up and tell her we're leaving at half 10.

"Mia can we please just not go"

"Get up, we're going otherwise Amy will get a fine"

"Swear you hate mum"

"Oh shut up get ready"

I brush my teeth and put my school uniform on, Aria comes walking into the bathroom.

"Roll that skirt down you slut"

"Haha piss off Mia looks at yours..I'm only learning from you"

My jaw drops. She's showing more attitude than normally.

"Jeez are you on your period or something"

"Nope, just woke up annoyed"


I shout out. God if she took it she's dead, I cannot live without it.

I look on the floor and in my makeup bag over and over again.

After 5 minutes if looking I finally find it in the bottom of my bag.


"Mia shut up and get ready it's qauter to 11"

"Ah fuck"

I quickly finish my makeup and put my converse on, I grab Aria and we run to the bus stop. My phone won't stop vibrating. I check my snapchat and the groupchat is going off.

Marjorie - Mia are you coming in yet? We're all bored.

Winter - Marjorie when does Mia ever come in on time?

Autumn - never.

Deliah - yeah Mia hurry

Mia - I'm on the bus now

Reece - oh so I'm guessing Charlotte's with you

Mia - huh no? Has she not came in yet?

Marjorie - nope

Mia - oh well I'll message her later if she still isn't in

Aria - she probably got a knife to her throat like Sorscha

Winter - where the fuck did Aria come from?

Carly - oh I added her!

Mia - what lesson do we have next?

Sorscha - Aria that's not funny and we're in french next.

Mia - oh for fucks sake...bathroom instead of french?

Autumn - you read my mind.

I get off snap and look at Aria.


"Did you really have to say she got a knife to her throat knowing it happened to Sorscha?"

"What?! She could've"

"Yeh okay"

I roll my eyes and were finally at the school bus stop. Luckily break has just started so I messaged everyone telling them to head to the disabled toilet.

I bump into Marjorie and Reece on my way.

"Are yous not going to the bathroom?"

"Nah we're getting food" Reece says

"Can you buy me some toast? I didn't have time to get breakfast today because of that goblin next to me"

Aria punches my arm so I punch her back.


"Shut up you hit me first"

"God these siblings dynamics are weird" Marjorie blurts out.

"Don't you have older siblings?"

"Yeah but they're all grown and in their 20s so I don't see them"


Aria goes off to the canteen with Marjorie and Reece while I go to the toilet.

I bang on the door and to my surprise Carly opens it.


"Heyy Mia"

I get myself in and lock the door behind me. I look at Autumn and she throws me her vape.

"Carly what are you doing in here?"

"Oh so everyone didn't want to leave me out"

"Oh yeah fair enough, Aria should be here soon"

As those words escape my mouth we hear a knock on the door. We all shut up trying to listen to who it is.

"Open the door"

Phew. It's Reece.

I open the door and see Reece stood with toast and a drink.

"Delivery for Amelia Roberts"

"Fuck off don't call me that but thanks"

I take my food and drink and sit myself back down on the bathroom floor. I share the toast with Marjorie.

We're surprisingly getting along, normally we'd bicker about something but not today. Everything is going smoothly.

I notice that Char hasn't messaged me yet so I send her a message.

Hey Char x Are you coming in today? I don't think I can survive without you today x

I put my phone down as soon as I send the message. I feel some weight on my shoulder so I turn my head to see Marjorie's head on my shoulder.

"You alright Margie?"

"Yeah just...stressed I guess. I'll move if you want me to"

"No no it's fine"

I tilt my head so now it's on top of hers.

"Awh look at you two bonding together" Deliah said, her tone cold and sarcastic.

I put my gaze onto Reece and all he does is raise his eyebrows. I then remember what Charlotte had told Deliah.


I turn to Autumn and she mouths at me to move Marjorie.

"Sorry Marjorie can you move so I can get my drink?"

To my surprise she moves and gets my drink for me.


"Thank you"

It feels good to bond with Marjorie instead of being at her throat all the time.

I hear my phone go off several times but ignore it. It's probably some stupid tiktok notifications.

"Don't you want to check your phone?" Carly says

"Yeh Amelia might be out dear Amy"

"Fuck off Aria I swear to god I want to strangle you some times"

Aria starts laughing. She makes me angry but as her older sister I love her.

I finally get my phone and open Snapchat.

"Right so who is it?"

"Oh it's Charlotte"

I read her message in my head.

Charlotte - Sorry Mia I'm not going to be in today x Last night I was in town and someone tripped me up. They then grabbed me by my hair and slit my throat with a knife. I'm currently getting stitches and I've got a sprained ankle, I don't know when I'll be back to school but you can visit me at home or I could come to yours x

Sweet serial killer - MialotteWhere stories live. Discover now