smack a bitch

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Mia's POV -

It's not Thursday morning and I have to go to school. Fucking dreading it. I open up our group chat and see arguing going on.

Mia - what the fuck is happening

I notice that Charlotte's been removed from the group.

Mia - why the fuck has Charlotte been removed?

Autumn - ask Sorscha and Carly they're bickering over her.

Sorscha - it's not my fault you've let a random girl join the friend group, I don't like her.

Carly - you're only saying that because you don't know her, she's quite nice when she stayed at Mia's

Mia - yeah Sorscha shut up about her she's done fuck all

Marjorie - Mia why don't you shut up. You let her follow you around

Mia - that's because she doesn't have anyone else, I'm not going to leave a new kid walking around by herself am i. I'm not fucking nasty like you Marjorie

Reece - woah girls calm down

Deliah - I agree with Mia to be honest

Siobhan - really Deliah? You're siding with Mia and Carly? Marjorie has a point.

Deliah - seriously Siobhan remember when you were new? We let you join the group and now you're saying that Marjorie has a point.

Sorscha - shut the fuck up Deliah we were in the middle of year7 then so it was different.

Mia - woah don't speak to Deliah like that she hasn't done anything wrong and she's right. We didn't have to let Shibby in the group but we did.

Autumn - I agree with Mia..

Marjorie - you're only agreeing with her because you two grew up together. Same with Carly. She doesn't want to argue with Aria.

Mia - leave Aria's name out of your mouth Marjorie she's got fuck all to do with it.

Winter - can you all just shut up.

Reece - yeah just leave it.

God this friend group is so fucking chaotic. I don't understand why they're so mad.

I get added to a separate group which is only me,Carly,Deliah,Autumn and Charlotte.
We decided to not add any of the lads as we don't know who they're going to defend. Reece was always confused. He hated siding with Autumn even if she was right. Every thought he only defended Autumn as she's his sister. Deliah would always side with me as she has some sort of obsession with me. I'm alright with it as I know Autumn or Reece would step in if it was going to far.

I get myself all ready for school and message the new group chat telling them to meet me at the park in 5 minutes. I tell Charlotte to come mine as she doesn't know the area very well. She was here instantly. I let her in while I finish my makeup.

"Mia you don't need all that makeup you're naturally pretty"

"Shut up don't ever let those words leave your mouth again"

She looks at me and her eyes widen. I feel bad for what I said but I hate being complimented.

"Right let's go"

We make our way out and see Marjorie with Sorscha and Reece. She gives me a dirty look and it's taking me every ounce of self restraint I have to not smack her. I make eye contact with Reece and he breaks it when Marjorie pulls him in for a kiss.

What. The. Fuck.

Mia - Guys Marjorie's just fucking kissed Reece omfg

Carly - NO WAY

Autumn - what the actual fuck.

Deliah was staying silent. She's on the chat but hasn't said a single word.

Me and Char walk to the park and we see everyone else there.

Mia - "I bet Shibby,Sorscha,Marjorie and Jodie have their own group chat"

Autumn - "they probably do..wait Jodie's back in school?"

Carly - "yup I heard some teachers going on about it and calling her dumb"

Deliah - "she is though you can't lie"

We all laugh while Charlotte just looks confused on who Jodie is.

Charlotte - "whose Jodie?"

Deliah - "she's some girl whose in our friend group but she got sent to a physcward or something because she ate some plastic fruit and water colours because she thought it was coloured water"

Charlotte - "ohh"

We all laugh and start walking to school.

Mia - "fucks sake we've got maths"

Deliah - "ugh seriously that means we're going to have sit next to all of them"

Autumn - "I'm not really bothered by it you know, if they say something I'll probably smack them"

I laugh and we make our to school making sure to stop in the post office. We all get our usual stuff. Autumn got a cherry coke and some chocolate, I got my redbulls and chewing gum,Carly got a caprisun,Deliah got a sports drink and Charlotte got a diet coke.

We walk into school and sign ourselves in at reception as we missed form. We walk into maths and there was the rest of the friend group.

Marjorie won't stop giving us dirty looks.

Marjorie whispers over to Sorscha but says it loud enough so we can hear.

"Only reason Carly's siding with them is because she's scared of Aria, it's quite funny they're both pathetic"

My anger was bubbling up. I feel a hand on my thigh and it's Autumns hand. She did it to stop my leg from bouncing.

Oh I can't wait til the end of the lesson.

I look at Carly and mouth "I'm going to smack a bitch" to her and she laughs.

I'm not joking.

Now it's end of lesson.

We all follow the rest of the group and they stop outside of the lift.

"Marjorie run your fucking mouth now"

"What are you going on about"

Autumn and Carly take their phones out while Deliah is stood in shock.


"Mia I didn't say anything"

I look at her then at Autumn. Before the lift opens I grab her by the hair and rag her down to the floor.

I give her a quick slap to her cheek before she gets ahold of my hair.

She grips my hair and starts ragging it, I managed to keep my grip on her and I bash her head onto the floor.

Mr Stroyds comes over and rags me off of her.

Autumn's giggling while everyone else is took back in shock.

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