whole lotta history

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Mia's POV -

I walk out of Charlotte's place and close the door behind me. Something doesn't feel right. I continue my journey back to the next town. I don't bother to look back, I need to let her go. She needs to let me go. I get to the bus stop and still have that same horrible feeling in my stomach. Something seriously isn't right. My bus comes and snaps me out of my thoughts. I hop on, but I can't get rid of this bad feeling. I jump off at the next stop, it's only 2 minutes away.

I run back to Charlotte's house. I don't care if I look like a freak, I need to settle this bad feeling. I probably look like a weirdo running around in jeans and a crop top but I really don't give a fuck. The only important thing right now is getting to Char.

She's the only thing going through my thoughts. I can't shake this bad feeling. Seeing her will ease it, and if it doesn't then I know where to go.

I message my girlfriend and tell her that I won't be home until later. She's not really happy about it but I don't care. Charlotte is my main priority right now.

I get her house and knock on the door. To my surprise Sean answers.

S - "she's in her bedroom"

M - "thank you ...."

S - "Sean"

M - "yes thank you Sean"

He let's me in and I dash up the stairs, almost tripping on my way up. I knock on her bedroom door. All I can hear is sniffling.

C - "go away I want Mia"

I open the door and look at her.

M - "I'm here sweetheart"

She looks at me and starts to cry even more. I sit down next to her on the bed and she wraps her arms around me. Her head is resting on my lap. As much as I want her on me like this, she can't.

C - "why did you come back?"

M - "I had a bad feeling...and it was correct"

She starts crying even harder. I play with her hair and watch her calm down. It always works.

C - "whose the new girl?"

I don't know what to say. I'm disappointed in my choice of girl but she's only a rebound. I know Charlotte and I will be back together soon. I got bored and wanted someone to mess around with.

C - "Mia..?"

M - "ehm it's best if I don't say, anyway what's wrong with you? I want to help you Char"

I'm hoping she'll answer me and be honest. I want to be able to help her. I know once she's doing better then I'll be better. She lifts her head up and I quickly kiss her forehead. Even though we're only friends I still give her small kisses on the forehead as they always calm down and make her feel safe. I twirl her gorgeous short black hair in between of my fingers. Her hair is so soft and smells nice.

M - "your hair smells nice"

I know that throwing small compliments in the complete silence will get Charlotte to talk. It works like a charm, she doesn't know about this little tactic which makes it more fun to use on her. I notice the sniffles have completely gone.

C - "Mia how does it feel when she's kissing you?"

M - "well i-"

Before I can even get my words out my phone rings. Charlotte sits up and nods at me to pick it up. I put the phone to my ear and my girlfriend is screaming at me telling me to get home. I tell her no and we keep bickering. I say bye and that I'm not going hers tonight.

Sweet serial killer - MialotteWhere stories live. Discover now