the promise

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Charlottes POV -

I wake up and I'm guessing it's around 9am as it's light outside. Mia's still asleep, she's really pretty I think to myself. Being in her comfort makes me feel some sort of way. I move a tiny bit and snuggle myself back onto her chest. I hear abit of grunting.

M - "morning beautiful"

Her voice when she wakes up is so raspy and attractive, I love it. The compliments she'd give in her morning voice were the best.

C - "morning gorgeous, sorry I didn't mean to wake you"

M - "nah don't worry it's fine I'd love to wake up to this everyday, what time is it?"

C - "I think it's 9am or something"

M - "mhmm go back to sleep"

I know we weren't actually flirting and it kinda of hurts me I guess, Mia is just so pretty.

Is it casual for me to be waking up on her chest most mornings?

Is it casual when she puts her hand on my thigh in public?

Is it casual that she'd cuddle me to sleep?

M - "char what's going on in that pretty mind of yours?"

C - "nothing gorgeous, now go back to sleep"

M - "sound"

I laugh as soon as she says 'sound'. God she's funny and pretty.  Her personality isn't that bad, she just needs to let loose a tad.

C - "Mia? Can I lay on top of you?"

M - "sure come here"

I pounce on top of her and lay myself down, my chest is on her chest, my head is on her shoulder. I get myself comfy and feel Mia's lips kissing my neck.

M - "you're so pretty Char, now goodnight"

She kisses my forehead and immediately falls back asleep.

This is not causal, this is not what friends do. Fuck. Mia likes Marjorie.

I feel Mia's hand fall around my waist. Mia brought me some sense of safety and security.

Mia's POV -

I take a look around my bedroom and notice it's dark out, I throw Charlotte off me and grab my phone. Fuck it's 10:44PM.

What the actual fuck.

M - "Charlotte wake up"

I gently nudge her awake.

All she does is grunt and tells me to fuck off.

M - "alright then moody"

I get myself out of the bed and make my side.

C - "where you going?"

M - "tha bathroom Charlotte we've been asleep all day it's almost 11PM"

C - "and I can sleep some more so night"

I struggle to hold in my laugh, she's to funny. Charlotte snuggles herself into my pillow and blankets. I head to my drawers and get my weed stash out, I get myself out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

Hey Autumn fancy coming over for a smoke?

Sure what time do you want me there?

Can come now if you like

What about Aria?

She's at Carly's tonight but Charlotte's here. She's asleep though

Sure I'm coming now x

I roll me and Autumn a joint each so now all I need to do is wait for her to get here.

The living room is a state from when Bailey was here so I tidy up, I put the cushions back on the sofa and take all the plates to the kitchen.

I run the hot water and put some fairy liquid into the washing up bowl.

C - "need some help?"

M - "oh my fucking god Charlotte you scared me don't come up on me like that again"

C - "oops sorry"

I walk up to Charlotte and put my hands on her waist moving her away. She looks at me confused but then I open the door to reveal Autumn.

M - "hey gorgeous"

A - "hey beautiful and hey Charlotte"

I can tell that Charlotte's confused. I hand Autumn her joint and a lighter. We both spark up and start puffing away as if were having some sort of withdrawals.

A - "so Charlotte you've been here for 2 months now how have you found out?"

C - "pretty good apart from getting a knife to my throat, there's pretty girls and school is actually decent"

A - "oh about that..what did the 'murderer' sound like?"

C - "it's pretty much the exact same as how Sorscha explained it. Cold voice with no emotion at all, kinda like Mia's voice when she's annoyed"

I immediately cough out a cloud of smoke.

C - "no offence"

M - "non taken"

I roll my eyes and go out in the front garden so I don't have to deal with Autumn and Charlotte together.

Autumn's POV -

A - "Char I know you like Mia it's obvious"

C - "huh wait what no I don't"

A - "you blush everytime I say her name"

C - "oh cmon no I don't"

A - "Mia, Amelia Roberts"

Charlotte's cheeks go all rosey.

C - "okay maybe, promise you won't tell her?"

A - "promise"

I give her my pinky as I never break pinky promises. I learnt it from Mia. She would always pinky promise something and would never break it, even if she wanted to she wouldn't. I give Charlotte a smile to reassure her.

A - "Charlotte i'd hurry up and tell Mia otherwise she'll be back with Chris or she might get with Bailey"

C - "she hates Chris though? I think anyway and why would she get with Bailey?"

A - "oh you don't know? Mia came out as bisexual the other day, I thought you would've been the first person she told to be honest"

C - "oh..."

A - "yeah so you have a chance with her...if you tell her"

Charlotte's POV -

I'm sat on the floor thinking about what Autumn had said to me.

Do I tell Mia?

Do I shut up?

God making decisions by myself is hard.

I start rocking back and forth. God what the fuck am I meant to do

If I tell Mia will it ruin our friendship?

I feel someone tap my shoulder. It's Mia.

M - "Sweetheart what's the matter?"

C - "Mia when Autumn goes can I talk to you? But promise it won't change anything?"

M - "pinky promise"

She interlocks her pinky with mine.

This is THE PROMISE I hope she doesn't break.

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