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Isolation is now finished with so I make my way down to the bistro to meet everyone down there. To my surprise Charlotte and Sorscha were both waiting outside for me.

M - "That class was fucking hilarious probably the best class we've had for a while"

S - "Oh my god I know right"

Me and Sorscha link arms and make our way downstairs while Charlotte follows us like a lost puppy. I'm hoping that after a week she'll find a friend group as it was quite awkward with her around. In the friend group there is nothing like to much information. We spoke about everything and anything even our own sex lives we talk about. With Charlotte around the conversations were boring as we don't want her to think that were some weirdos. We get into the bistro and see everyone else sat down at the table waiting for us. See every friend group has their own table. The popular ones are sat in the middle, the weirdos are at the back and our group is near the bistro doors. It is pretty nice.

S - "Mia will you queue with me?"

M - "Sorry Sorscha I really can't be assed have you seen how long that queue is?"

S - "Alright then....Charlie?"

C - "Yeh sure"

It's clear Charlotte was only saying yes in hopes that she'll be liked by the rest of us. Me,Autumn and Deliah don't really accept new people into the group but since Charlotte was new we thought it will be a great idea.

M - "So Deliah is there anyone you like" I say

D - "Nope not really, the girls here are just ugh"

That's when Winter jumps in.

W - "Swear all the girls in this group are lesbians, Autumn goes for men and women, Mia goes for whoever fancies her, Deliah can't even find a girl good enough for her and Sorscha's obsessed with her girlfriend"

M - "Shut it Clodaugh is nice have you even met her" I playfully punch his arm.

W - "No I haven't met her"

Carly then jumps into the conversation.

CARLY - "Well oh my god Clougdah is the sweetest person ever you'll love her"

As that was said Sorscha and Charlotte come back over and sit down.

M - "Oh Charlotte you didn't get anything" I ask her with a confused look

C - "Nah not really hungry"

I shrug it off and jump straight for Sorscha's drink.

S - "I love the way you asked for a sip" Sorscha sarcastically says.

This is what makes the friend group the best one. Me and Autumn are the gobby ones who will swing for anyone who gets in our way, Sorscha and Winter are very sarcastic, Reece is calm but looks out for everyone, Deliah is abit of a physcopath, Carly is adorable and Marjorie is just Marjorie. There was another girl in our friend group her names Jodie but fuck knows what happened to her. She just disappeared one day and never returned. Jodie is dumb. Even a child in nursery is smarter than her. I wish I was joking.

MARJ - "Sooo Mia how's Chris?" Marjorie says.

M - "He's good I guess we've been arguing abit and we haven't really been having s-"

I stopped talking right that second.

MARJ - "You two haven't really what?"

I tilt my head to Charlotte's direction and Marjorie just says oh.

S -"We've been sat down for 10 minutes now, bathroom trip anyone?"

R - "Yeh yeh just leave me,Winter and Carly out here alone because we can't come in"

M,A,S - "Not our fault you're boys"

Me, Autumn and Sorscha start laughing as we all said it at the exact same time.

We get up and head straight to the toilets, we leave Charlotte,Winter,Reece and Carly together so they can have some bonding time and hopefully find more information out of Charlotte. I sit on the toilet seat while everyone else sits on the floor.

M - "What are you guys in next? I'm in art"

MARJ - "Well me Sorscha and Autumn are in music next, wait where's Shibby?"

We all look at Deliah.

D - "Ohh she got sent home"

M - "Why?"

D - "She got caught trying to pay Kyle to do her geography homework for her"

A - "Why didn't she go to Aunt Muck?" Autumn says.

D - "God knows but I'm in history next and I can't be assed. I've got to sit next to Alexis now"

MARJ - "Haha that's sad that good luck"

We all hate Alexis she is so stuck up. She is the richest out of everyone in this school and she acts like she's all that when she very clearly isn't. I get a snapchat notification on my phone and it's from Carly. I open her snap and it's a hideous picture of Reece. I screenshot it and show it to everyone in the stall. We all start laughing at it and then we hear Reece telling Carly off. It was to funny, Reece was arguing with a freshly turnt 13 year old. We hear a teacher shouting saying it was time for next lesson. We stay in the stall for 5 more minutes to make sure everyone is gone so we don't get caught.

We get out and I notice Charlotte was gone. I shrug it off and we all split up to get to our lessons. I get into my lesson and see Charlotte there, I take a seat next to her and see that she's already got on with the task that was set.

M - "What the fuck are we doing?"

C - "To be honest we just got given a sheet of paper and some pencils to draw whatever we want"

M - "Oh that's easy then"

C - "Also whose Amelia? Miss shouted her name out but she isn't here"

M - "That's me, I'm Amelia but I go by Mia for short as I prefer to be called that. I only get called Amelia when I'm in trouble but this skank of a teacher calls me it even though I always tell her to call me Mia. Everyone acts confused wondering who Amelia is"

C - "Ohhh got it"

I take some pencils off Charlotte and start drawing some random lines. I don't know what the fuck I'm drawing but I know it'll all come together at the end.

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