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A//N - this is the ending I was going to do but I scrapped it, along with some other endings. But here it is, the first ending I had came up with.

Charlotte's POV -

I hate fighting with Mia, we got into a huge fight because Chris decided it would be fun to send Mia photos of me and my ex. He said that, that was me cheating on Mia. Which I'd never cheat on her. The girl has my whole heart.

I also have Mia's whole heart. The girl gives me everything and anything I want, she spoils me so fucking much. I'm guessing that Chris is jealous that he doesn't get that sort of attention from any other female and that's why he wants Mia back. Mia tends to throw money at a situation most of the times. Once we had an argument and she bought me a pair of Balenciaga triple s' I was grateful for them, but I would've preferred a proper apology from her. This is where my anger comes in. She never really apologises unless it's something serious. It does agitate me but i do understand why she doesn't say sorry.

I message her and tell her that I'm coming over as I want to see her. I'm hoping that I'll have her screaming my name out as loud as she can.

She agrees and she let's me come over, thank god. I'm still angry at her for believing Chris but then again he did cheat on her and when people sent her the screenshots she didn't believe them. What pisses me off is that she knows I'm nothing like Chris. I'm not like that selfish bastard, I'd never dream about hurting Mia.

I get myself ready to go to Mia's. I put my hair in rollers so I can get the blow out look, I grab some false lashes and apply them. These are natural ones so my eyes aren't heavy. I finally finish my makeup, I get up and look through all my clothes to see what outfit I want to wear. Black leggings and a white top, good enough. I'm putting more focus on my face because if my face looks good then I feel good. Mia obviously doesn't really care what I look like. She prefers when I look disgusting so nobody else will try to hit on me. She's always so over-protective, it does sometimes make me angry as I don't get myself out there but then again she's doing it for my own safety.

I get out of my bedroom and look in the full body mirror out in the corridor. I look decent. Not the best I've looked but it doesn't matter.

I grab my crocs and slide them on. I'm all ready to go and then Sean comes in and tells me I'm not going anywhere.

C - "fuck off I'm going to see Mia"

S - "no you're not"

C - "am I not allowed to see my girl friend?"

S - "wait you said girl FRIEND and not girlfriend, what's happened?"

C - "were in the middle of the argument so I am on my way to hers to sort it"

S - "mhm you're not going anywhere"

C - "I'm 17 Sean drop it"

S - "you're still a baby"

C - "fuck off let me out now"

Sean stands Infront of the door, I don't even bother fighting him as he's 6'0FT and muscular. That really does annoy me, I want to be able to take him on for once in my life. I run up the stairs and slam my bedroom door shut.



God he's got me in a FOUL mood. He's so annoying when he wants to be. Sean treats me as if I'm a child. He doesn't realise that I can look after myself. I lock my bedroom door and jump on my bed.

I look at the window, I run over and open it. The drop isn't that far and I'll be landing on a trampoline. I make the jump. Now that I'm finally out the house I can go see Mia. I run for my life so Sean doesn't see me outside the kitchen window.

The walk is actually quite peaceful, the wind and the rain makes it better. It's so quiet. Nothing feels real, there's barley any cars out and the dark sky really pieces it together.

I finally get to Mia's and I knock on the door, to my surprise the door opens right away.

M - "hey angel face"

C - "hi Mia"

She hugs me right away. I really don't want her physical touch, not at the moment. She let's me in and we go straight up into the bedroom. I lay myself onto her chest to feel her heartbeat. Once I find out where it is I give her a kiss on her chest to mark it.

M - "so...how are you doing?"

C - "better now that I'm with you"

I wrap my arms around her and I try to get myself comfortable but I just can't. Normally I'd be cuddled up to Mia with my ear listening to her heartbeat, I don't know why it's different today.

M - "are you okay? You seem...tense"

C - "yeah I just can't get comfy"

M - "sit up then and we'll talk until you fall asleep"

I sit up and look at her. I don't have any words to say, nothing at all.

M - "Char you look really pale, let me feel your forehead"

She places her hand on my forehead and pulls it away.

M - "you've got a temperature here let me snuggle you in the bed and I'll put a movie on for you to watch"

C - "clueless?"

M - "well I was thinking of a series...dynasty maybe?"

C - "you just want to look at Liz don't you"

M - "no, never"

I let out a small giggle and let Mia wrap me in blankets. I know that what I'm about to do isn't right. She doesn't deserve it. It needs to happen though, otherwise this is going to be a never ending cycle of arguing and making up and out. It's so stressful, knowing that one day there's going to be an argument so awful but we'll run back to eachother. I don't want to live like this anymore. We seriously need to let eachother go. It's so hard. It's difficult. We had a tall about this a couple months back. We both said that we need to have a break from eachother for atleast a month, we lasted 7 hours. We've said some nasty shit towards eachother and all those words still run through our heads.

The cycle needs to end. If this is the only way then so be it.

Mia sits in bed. I jump onto her lap and look at her in the eyes.

C - "I'm so so sorry Amelia I love you"

M - "I love you too Char"

My eyes begin to tear up, so does Mia's.

C - "I guess this is it, our final goodbyes"

M - "I hope you know I'll look for you in every lifetime angel face"

We both begin to cry, I wish life wasn't like this.

I give Mia one last kiss and I look down at her chest.

M - "what are you doing?"

C - "I hope you know I will always love you, it's for the best. I can't let you go"

Mia begins to sob while saying my name. Her grip around my body gets tighter and tighter until I move myself backwards. I start sobbing along with her, why does it have to be like this?

I take a deep breath and prepare myself.

I thrust the knife in and out of the area on her chest that I had marked only minutes before.

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