Chapter Three.

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Tanya's POV.

I quickly hopped on the bus and sat down, tired from this long day.

I quickly adjusted my uniform and the skirt just to be secure and looked out the window.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed.

I took it out from my bag and picked it up.

It was Brandon, my friend from India.

I smiled as I saw his name on the caller ID.

"Hey," I answered, trying to sound cheerful despite my tired state.

"Namasteee," He teased.

I rolled my eyes at the use of the Hindi word.

"You know I barely understand Hindi, Brandon," I reminded him, even though he already knew that.

"How could you know, though? You hardly even try to speak Hindi!" He chuckled.

"Yeah, because every time I try, you make fun of my pronunciation," I retorted, but there was a hint of amusement in my voice.

"Try." He plainly said.

I sighed, knowing he wouldn't let this go.

"Okay, okay," I relented.

"Namasteee," I dragged out the pronunciation in an exaggerated tone.

Brandon chuckled. 

"See, was that so hard?"

"At least now I know you haven't completely lost your Indian roots," He teased.

"I'm Bengali." I rolled my eyes, even if he couldn't see.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," He said, and I could practically hear him waving me off. "You don't need to remind me every time I call you Indian."

He paused.

"But I still don't get why you don't learn Hindi... I mean, it's basically almost the same as Bengali, right?"

Another pause.

"Yaaar, we're literally neighbours. Also, you should put all those Indian movies you've watched into practice."

"Hey, I only watch those movies for the romance scenes," I retorted, feeling my cheeks heat up at the admission.

Brandon let out a mischievous gasp.

"Ooooh, a naughty desi girl, eh?"

"You are absolutely disgusting," I said, even as a small smirk tugged at the corners of my lips.

He only laughed in response.

"Try to speak in Hindi, Tanyaaaaa!!" He then said in a dramatic tone.

"Oh my God, why are you so obsessed with me speaking in Hindi?" I replied, trying to deflect his request.

But I knew he wouldn't drop it, so I tried to think of something I could say in response.

"Tujhe kya hai? (What is it to you?)" I said, the words sounding foreign in my mouth.

Brandon cheered.

"Yay! You did it!"

"You're getting the hang of it, now. Why won't you let me be your Hindi tutor?"

"Because you're a terrible teacher, that's why," I fired back, rolling my eyes once more.

"And besides, how often am I ever going to use Hindi in my life?"

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