Chapter Sixty-Seven.

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Tanya's POV.

It was the next morning.

I slowly untangled myself from Darren and went to move to the curtains to bring in the sunshine.

And there I saw it, the Eiffle tower in the morning.

I smiled, remembering I was in Paris.

Goddamn Paris. 


Darren stirred behind me, and I heard him yawn as he sat up in bed.

"Mmm...morning already?" He mumbled, his voice still groggy with sleep.

I nodded, turning to look at him.

"Yeah, and there's a beautiful view right outside.." I said, gesturing towards the window.

He got up from bed and joined me by the window, squinting at the sunlight.

"Goddamn.. that is a nice view." He muttered, rubbing his eyes.

I chuckled, watching as he looked out the window, still getting used to the brightness.

"I know. But... I think you're a nicer view.." I teased, poking his side gently.

He turned to look at me, a smile on his face.

"Oh really? I'm better than the Eiffel tower?" He teased back.

"Mhm. Definitely." I nodded, taking in his messy hair and sleepy eyes. "Way better."

He chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You're just biassed." He said, pulling me closer.

I laughed, resting my hands on his chest.

"Of course I am. You're my boyfriend. I'm supposed to be biassed." I replied, feeling a warm, comfortable feeling settling inside me.

"Can't argue with that logic." He said, leaning down to press a kiss to my forehead. "Come on, let's start getting ready. Paris awaits."

"Alright, alright." I said, reluctantly pulling away from him. "But first, I need coffee. Lots of it."

He chuckled again, releasing me from his hold.

"I know, I know. You're practically non-functional without your morning coffee."

"And I thought I was the one liking coffee more," He added.

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help the small smile that tugged at my lips. 

"Hey, just because you don't need as much caffeine as I do, doesn't mean you're not addicted to it too."

"Guilty as charged." He admitted, raising his hands in mock surrender.

"I can't deny my love for coffee. Though," He added, pulling me closer again, "I do think there's something I love a tiny bit more than coffee."

I feigned a gasp, playing along.

 "Oh really? And what might that be?"

He smirked, pulling me even closer, his eyes locked on mine.

"Well, there's this girl. She's kinda taller than average, has these soft brown eyes that I just can't get enough of... And she just happens to love coffee more than any sane person should."

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped me at his words.

"Well, she sounds like a lucky girl," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck, "having a handsome, charming gentleman who is hopelessly in love with her and her coffee addiction."

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