Chapter 27

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Erasing the clouds

Bible received the call from Mile with a heavy heart. The news was significant-Mile's father had agreed to hand over the north territory, a critical move that would consolidate their power. But the part that stuck with him was Mile's casual reminder: "It's time to let Jeff go. He should  be returned to his family in two days."

After the call, Bible made his way to the bedroom, where he found Jeff lying on the bed, seemingly lost in thought. He stood in the doorway for a moment, just watching him, before finally stepping inside. The air between them was thick with the unspoken tension of the past few days.

"Hey," Bible said quietly, trying to keep his voice steady, "in two days, you'll be going back to your family."

Jeff's face lit up with a mixture of surprise and relief. "Really?" he asked, sitting up on the bed. "I'm going home?"

"Yes," Bible confirmed, though the words felt like lead on his tongue.

Jeff smiled, but the joy in his expression quickly gave way to confusion as he looked at Bible, searching his face for something-reassurance, perhaps. "You promised me," Jeff said, his voice quieter now, almost uncertain. "You promised that we'd see each other after I leave. That you'd find me. Will you?"

Bible's silence was heavy, his gaze dropping to the floor as he struggled to find the right words. He knew the truth of the situation, the reality of their world, but seeing the hope in Jeff's eyes made it even harder to say what he needed to.

The silence stretched on too long, and Jeff's confusion turned to hurt. His heart sank as he began to piece together what Bible's silence meant. The betrayal stung, and before he could stop himself, the words tumbled out in a shout: "You liar!"

Bible's eyes snapped up to meet Jeff's, the raw emotion in his voice cutting deep. ", it's not like that-"

"Then what is it like?" Jeff interrupted, his voice breaking. "You said you'd find me, that we'd see each other again. Was that just another one of your games? Just another way to keep me here until you were done with me?"

"No!" Bible's voice was sharp, but there was a desperation in his tone now. "I didn't lie to you, But... things are complicated. Our world doesn't work the way you think it does."

Jeff shook his head, tears welling in his eyes as he took a step back from Bible. "All I ever wanted was to believe that you cared about me, that this was more than just-whatever this is. But now, I don't know what to believe."

The distance between them felt like a chasm, the connection they once shared fraying at the edges. Bible reached out, wanting to close the gap, but Jeff took another step back, the pain in his eyes keeping Bible rooted in place.

"I thought you were different," Jeff whispered, his voice trembling. "But maybe I was just fooling myself."

As Jeff turned away, the weight of their unresolved emotions hanging in the air, Bible couldn't let him go. He reached out, grabbing Jeff's wrist and pulling him back toward him. Before Jeff could react, Bible closed the distance between them and captured Jeff's lips in a deep, desperate kiss.

Jeff's initial shock melted into the kiss, his hands instinctively gripping Bible's shirt as he tried to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions inside him. When Bible finally pulled back, he kept his forehead pressed against Jeff's, their breaths mingling as they tried to steady themselves.

"I care about you," Bible said, his voice low but filled with intensity. "More than I've cared about anyone in a long time. But hearing you question my feelings... it fucked me up, Jeff. It's like you're doubting everything we've been through."

Jeff's eyes searched Bible's, seeing the raw emotion there that Bible usually kept hidden. He felt the sincerity in Bible's words, the conflict between his desire to protect Jeff and the harsh realities of their world.

"But how can I not doubt?" Jeff whispered, his voice tinged with pain. "When you can't even promise me we'll see each other again? How am I supposed to believe in this-believe in us-if you can't?"

Bible's grip on Jeff tightened slightly as he spoke, his voice firm but gentle. "I can't promise you what I don't know for sure. But I can promise you this: every moment we've had, every touch, every kiss-it's all been real. I've never lied to you about that."

Jeff's heart ached with the weight of his conflicting emotions, the part of him that wanted to trust Bible warring with the fear of getting hurt. But in that moment, with Bible's eyes locked on his, he felt something shift.

Bible brushed his thumb across Jeff's cheek, his touch tender despite the turmoil between them. "You mean more to me than you know. And if there's any way I can keep you in my life, I'll find it. But you have to believe that, Jeff. You have to believe in us."

The tension between them hung heavy, but in Bible's eyes, Jeff saw the truth-the vulnerability that Bible rarely showed. Slowly, Jeff nodded, still unsure of the future but willing to take the leap of faith Bible was asking for.

Bible's hand slipped down to hold Jeff's, their fingers intertwining as they stood there, the world outside their little bubble seeming to fade away. For now, they had each other, and despite the uncertainty that loomed ahead, it was enough to keep them grounded in the moment.

" I want you princess, let me show you what you're to me"


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