Chapter 13

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The demand and consequences

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The demand and consequences

In the virtual meeting room, the air crackled with tension as the two families squared off against each other, their longstanding animosity simmering just beneath the surface.

Years of bitter rivalry and resentment had fueled a deep-seated anger that now threatened to boil over at any moment. On one side of the screen, Jeff's family sat, their faces etched with determination as they refused to back down from their stance.

Across from them, Bible's family glared back, their eyes smoldering with righteous indignation as they demanded what they believed to be rightfully theirs. Each side was unwilling to yield, locked in a battle of wills that seemed destined to end in confrontation.

" We can't keep dancing around this issue. "Our families have been at odds for far too long," Jeff's father stated coolly.

"And whose fault is that? You stole what was rightfully ours!" Anger was displayed toward tong.

"We've been through this before. The past is the past. We need to find a way to move forward."

"Move forward? How can we move forward when you refuse to acknowledge the wrongs of the past?" said bible with a scoff.

"We're not refusing to acknowledge anything. But we can't undo what's been done."

"So you think you can just sweep it all under the rug and pretend like nothing happened?" bible voice rising

"That's not what I'm saying. But we can't let the mistakes of the past dictate our future." the old man try to remain calmly.

"Mistakes? You call stealing our land a mistake? " Tongs were cut off.

"We've offered compromises before, but you've rejected them every time."

"Because they weren't good enough! We want what's rightfully ours, and we w on't settle for anything less!" Said bible with defiant

"Well, then we're at an impasse. We won't give in to your demands."

The tension in the virtual meeting room was palpable as both families dug in their heels, neither willing to budge an inch. It seemed as though the animosity between them was too deeply rooted to ever be resolved.

**Bible:** (With a menacing tone) You think you can just refuse our demands and get away with it?

**Jeff's Father:** (Firmly) We won't be threatened, Bible.

Bible:If we don't get what we want, your son will remain a prisoner. (His gaze shifts to Mile) Isn't that right, Mile?

Mile voice trembling with fear I... I don't want any harm to come to Jeff, but we can't give in to their demands!

**Bible:** (Noticing Mile's panic) Ah, so you do care about your brother. But your father won't let you speak up, will he?

Mile said Desperately
"Please, Bible, there has to be another way. We can't let Jeff suffer because of our family's feud.'

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