Its ok, you can go

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Mia and Charlotte had been together for 15 years, happily married with full custody of both of charlottes girls. Mia adopted them a year after they got married, and the family had never been happier.

For the most part life had been easy charlottes ex husband left them alone and Mia slowly rebuilt her relationships with the knight siblings and other staff at the nursery. They slowly grew their village and charlottes had never been prouder of her wife.

Mia took char to work and the girls to school everyday. "By girls see you later!" Mia cheered happily as she watched her daughters run off into the school building. She and Charlotte slowly made their way to the nursery, "by baby I'll see you tonight ok?" Mia said with a smile. "Ok I love you!" Charlotte said before bringing Mia into a kiss, Mia smiled into it, even after all this time they both still got butterflies, "I love you too sweetheart."

When Mia arrived home she saw an unfamiliar car sitting in the driveway. However chills ran down her spine when she saw who was sitting in the car. "What the hell do you think you're doing here?!" Mia said angrily. "Well hello to you too." Rodger said with a smirk. "Rodger get the hell off my property before I call the police." Mia threatened, but it only made the man laugh. His laugh alone made Mia nervous.

"Oh Mia don't forget the power I have over you. I need you to help me with something." He said seriously. "I'll never help you ever again. I have a family now." Mia said protectively. "Oh please one phone call and I can rip that entire family away from you." Rodger said angrily, and sadly Mia knew that was true but she still held strong. "If you so much as think about laying a hand on my girls or my wife you will have hell to pay." Mia said. Rodger handed her a letter and said "you have 24 hours to decide, you help me or I kill Charlotte." He drove off before the red head could respond.

Mia threw away the letter not even reading it. She picked up her phone and called Reece, "hey Mia you alright?" Reece asked. "Reecey I need you to keep an eye on Charlotte. Your father played me a visit today and threatened me with her life." Mia said nervously. "I'll keep an eye on her. I'll make sure she gets home safe don't worry Mia." Reece said before hanging up and calling autumn.

He filled autumn and Marjorie in as well before calling Charlotte to the office, she was spare staff today and honestly he could use the help. "Hey chat since you're a spare today I was hoping you could help me in here?" Reece asked trying to keep his cool. "Absolutely Reece!" Charlotte smiled and sat down next to him helping him sort through mindless paperwork.

Mia received a phone call as she was leaving g to kick the girls up from school. "Well Mia... what have you decided?" Rodger said frustrated into the phone. "Fuck you rodger." She said before hanging up. She would never fall for his tricks ever again.

Little did she know just how much that set him off. Mia got the girls home and had them starting their homework. While she started dinner. "Ok girls I need to go pick up mama, but I'll be home soon ok?" She said as she turned to face her girls. They both nodded and went back to their work.

The whole ride to the nursery Mia just had this weird feeling, something wasn't right.

As Charlotte walked out of the nursery with Reece she noticed that Mia was running late. She noticed that Reece was stood protectively next to her refusing to leave her side, "Reece I don't need a babysitter Mia should be here any minute you can go." Charlotte giggled, "it's ok I'll wait with you." Reece said refusing to leave her side. Charlotte had become like a sister to him.

They watched as a car pulled up that they didn't recognize but as Rodger stepped out of the car both their eyes went wide. "Dad you need to leave." Reece said as he moved in front of Charlotte. "I just need to have a little chat with Charlotte." Rodger said aggressively, one of his hand remained in his jacket pocket as he spoke.

"No dad leave now." Reece demanded making sure Charlotte stayed behind him. Reece jumped slightly when Rodger pulled a gun out of his pocket and held it in his direction. "Come on son you wouldn't die for her." Rodger said disgusted. "Dad put the gun down." As Reece said that a familiar black mustang pulled up in the lot. Mia jumped out when she saw what was going on.

"Rodger get away from them!" Mia yelled. Charlotte was nervously shaking behind Reece. And only moved out from behind him when Rodger moved the gun to be on Mia.

"No!" Charlotte yelled, as she stepped out from behind Reece. Rodger took notice and turned and fired. Reece jumped out to catch Charlotte as she fell to the ground. Mia screamed as she ran towards Rodger whose back was to her. She grabbed the gun and turned to face Rodger. "Mia don't. Don't ruin your life for that piece of crap." Reece said as he held Charlotte. Reece laid her down gently as she was hyperventilating. He walked over to Mia taking the gun. "I'll take care of him she needs you. The ambulance is on the way." Reece said breaking Mia from her trance.

She ran to her wife and cradled her in her arms. "Hey, hey baby it's ok you're gonna be ok." Mia said through tears as she put pressure against her wound. "M-Mia, I'm scared." Charlotte said as tears formed in her eyes. "Baby you're gonna be ok, hear that? That's the ambulance they're gonna take care of you just keep breathing ok?" Mia begged. Charlotte nodded and held on.

The ambulance ride was short. They took Charlotte back for surgery as Reece and Mia waited for the news. Reece had called Marjorie and autumn to go get charlottes girls and bring them to the hospital. Mia had become inconsolable. When Marjorie and autumn entered with the girls, Marjorie made her way to Mia and wrapped her tightly in her arms. "It's ok my darling it's ok." Marjorie said holding her tightly.

The doctor approached slowly with his scrub cap in his hand. "Mrs Robert's?" He said looking at the red head. Mia looked up at him her eyes wide with anticipation. "We did everything we could Mrs Robert's but I'm sorry to tell you, Charlotte is dead." He said. Everyone in the room watched as Mia fell to her knees. The scream that erupted from her tiny body scared everyone. Marjorie fell and grabbed into her tightly in an attempt to comfort her. Reece and autumn took the girls in their arms. They watched as the family slowly realized their sunshine had been ripped from them. Never to be seen again.

A/N: I'm so sorry please forgive me

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