Was That Jealousy? Pt. 2

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"Right, I'm not sure what is going on here." Marjorie said gesturing between the two women. Siobhan gave her a look of warning to tread lightly. Vivian just let out a small laugh looking between Siobhan and Marjorie her hands still resting around Siobhan's tiny waist and the other on her thigh. "It's none of your concern Marjorie." The blonde said coldly looking down to the ground trying to make herself small.

"What she means is, we don't necessarily know either. All I know is she's safe here with me. And that mr possessive is on his way." Vivian said rubbing Siobhan's back. The blonde nervously started to play with her hands. She wasn't sure what to expect when Rodger arrived. On one hand she felt safe as long as she was with Vivian but knowing that Rodger would see her and know what she looks like and who she is.... That alone terrified her.

"I'm going to head to the office, that way he'll come to me first ok?" Marjorie said standing and walking towards the door. "By the way whatever you two are, I just want you to know I love it." Marjorie said holding her hands to her heart. Siobhan rolled her eyes and leaned into Vivian for comfort as Marjorie shut the door. "Hey it's going to be ok." Vivian said kissing the top of Siobhan head first comfort.

"I'm just so scared Viv. I don't want him to know about you, what if he comes after you." Siobhan replied nervously. "Darling that man can try and do whatever he wants. I'm not afraid of him. My only job is to keep you safe ok?" Vivian said holding the blonde tighter. Siobhan pulled away and looked into Vivian's eyes, all her worries and fears seemed to melt away completely as she stared at the woman stealing her heart.

Vivian smiled getting lost in Siobhan's ice blue eyes. The dark haired woman leaned in closing the gap between the pair. They shared a deep passionate second kiss neither one breaking away both fighting for control. Siobhan let out a small moan before they both broke away at the distant sound of Rodger's voice down the hall. "It's going to be ok Bon." Vivian said lacing her hand with the blondes. The two continued to sit there just talking to break the silence and pass the time. They could hear Rodger's voice booming at Marjorie asking where the blonde was.

"Rodger she is in a meetings as soon as she's out I'll send her home." Marjorie said hoping he would leave. Rodger rolled his eyes and walked over to the family room door. "Rodger do not interrupt the meetings with parents!" Marjorie demanded walking over to him. "Don't you dare tell me what to do, I made you manager of the new nursery and I can still take it away in an instant." Rodger said threateningly as he stood over the small 5'5" brunette.

Rodger opened the door causing Siobhan to jump and pull her hand back. "Hello Rodger, Vivian this is the owner of the nursery Rodger knight." Siobhan said trying to put on a brave face. "Cut the shit Siobhan. Who is this really?" He said not believing for a second that this meeting was about the merge. His eyes roamed the table in front of them, coffee cups what looked to be wrappers from a few pastries they shared and.... The ring.

The older man scoffed looking at the blonde with a murderous stare. "So after everything I give you, everything I did for you, you want to leave me for a woman." He said making direct eye contact with Vivian now. He looked between the two woman with a sinister stare. Behind him Marjorie was frantically texting Autumn and Reece and telling them to get here.

They had both replied saying they were in their way. "Siobhan were going home." He said aggressively grabbing the ring off the table. He threw it at the blonde, "put that back on and get up. We're going." He said growing frustrated. Siobhan was frozen she just stared at the man. "Bon..." Vivian started to say.

"Don't you dare speak. You have no reason to be here. Trying to trick my fiancé into being with you." Rodger yelled. Siobhan suddenly stood feeling confidence fill her body. "Don't speak to her like that." She said pointing a finger in Rodger's face. The three women in the room heard the man growl angrily at the blonde. Siobhan's face faltered slightly, Rodger reached forward to grab the blondes wrist only to find his hand be slapped away by Vivian as she placed herself between Siobhan and Rodger.

"This doesn't concern you move out of the way." The old man said in a stern voice. "You will never lay your hand on her again." Vivian said one of her hands reached back for the blonde and Siobhan waisted no time grabbing onto her hand. Vivian gave it a gentle squeeze for comfort as Siobhan moved closer to the woman feeling safety in her presence. "You two are pathetic." Rodger said moving closer his cane echoing through the room as he walked towards them.

Vivian pushed Siobhan back a bit making sure the blonde stayed behind her. Rodger lifted his cane and pointed it in Vivian's face. "You have 10 seconds to move out of my way or I swear to god I'll..." "you'll what father?" Autumn interrupted walking into the room and in front of Vivian. She rolled her eyes at the cane still in the air and pushed it down towards the floor. "Put your cane down father you wouldn't want to fall." Autumn said crossing her arms over her chest and slightly glancing behind her to make sure both women were ok.

Vivian had pulled Siobhan from behind her and wrapped her in a protective embrace. The blonde allowed silent tears to fall as she looked around the room seeing everyone come to protect her. All she ever was mean to these people and yet in her time of need they all showed up. She didn't know what to do, she could never thank them enough.

Reece walked in and grabbed his father's collar."We're leaving dad." He said pulling the man out of the room as he began to yell and protest. Saying he'd be back for her. Siobhan covered her mouth trying not to sob. Autumn turned to face them, her eyes roaming their body language in confusion. Then her eyebrows raised in understanding. "Are you two alright?" She asked with a small half smile. "We will be thank you Autumn." Vivian said rubbing the blondes back.  Autumn nodded before going to find her brother to deal with their father together.

"I'll leave you both for a moment." Marjorie said turning to leave and shut the door. Once they were alone the two women sat back down on the sofa. "Thank you." The blonde whispered out looking up to Vivian. Vivian smiled and cupped her face, "I'm always going to protect you." She said leaning in and giving the blonde a sweet gentle kiss. They laid their foreheads together and just took in each others presence.

(Time skip 5 months)

Siobhan and Vivian became official shortly after that day with Rodger. Overtime Siobhan healed her friendship with Marjorie and was slowly coming back out of her shell. Everyone from the nursery was going out for drink and Siobhan brought Vivian along, when they arrived Siobhan placed herself between Marjorie and Vivian her hand never leaving the dark haired woman's.

As the hours passed and more drinks were had Vivian glanced over at a very relaxed Siobhan, laughing and chatting with Marjorie all about Marjorie's wedding plans. She had even asked the blonde to be her maid of honor. "I wouldn't have wanted anyone else Siobhan, we were so close before snd I feel so lucky to have my best friend back." Siobhan smiled at the brunette they clinked their glasses together and took a drink. Vivian made eye contact with Reece who was smiling happily at the two friends.

Everything had fallen into place and no matter what Siobhan always knew, she'd never be alone again.

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