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Autumn and Reece had just gotten home from school. Both were sat in the lounge doing their homework when they heard the front door open and slam shut. Both kids jumped as they kept their heads down. When Roger was in a mood they were only to be seen not heard. Reece made sure to stand his ground and shield his sister from whatever was about to come.

Both kids prepared themselves for their father's entry. But they looked at each other confused when nothing happened. "What do we do?" Autumn mouthed to the blonde. "Just stay quiet do your work." Reece said, the blonde had a feeling something wasn't right. And sure enough he was correct.

A few minutes later Roger appeared in the study, a glass of whiskey in his hands. He stared angrily at Autumn. The young girl stared back the fear evident in her eyes. Reece watched his father close one hand on Autumn at all times to make sure he knew where she was. "You." Roger spit out staring the young brunette down. "Dad you're drunk leave her alone." Reece said sternly as he protected his sister.

Roger walked up to Autumn he glared at her, he couldn't stand to look at her because she reminded him of his ex wife. "You look just like her you pathetic bitch." He spit out as autumns eyes widened at his words. He lunged at her and Reece quickly stepped in front pushing his father backwards. Roger almost lost his balance as he swung a lunch at reeces face. It connected with the blondes face as Reece stumbled back slightly.

"Stupid boy, always in the way." Roger grumbled before leaving the room to make dinner. Reece sat down holding his cheek as Autumn hugged him tightly. "Thank you." She whispered as a few tears fell from her face. "I'll never let him hurt you." Reece said kissing her head.

Once dinner was ready the siblings sat down. Roger gave Autumn her plate, it had a half portion of everything. She wasn't allowed to over eat. Roger gave her small portions to keep her figure small. He always told her she'd never find a man unless she was skinny. Autumn sighed knowing she'd still be hungry by the time she finished.

As Roger handed Reece his plate the blonde grumbled. Roger always gave him a double or triple portion of everything. "Dad I can't eat that." He said angrily. "You're going to eat it and you'll eat it all. Neither one of you can leave here till it's gone." The old man said angrily.

Autumn finished off her plate and looked sadly as Reece. The blonde looked poorly. He was dry heaving as he shoveled more food into his mouth.  Roger stood from the table he instructed Autumn to go get ready for bed and told Reece he wasn't allowed to move until he finished his plate.

Reece wasn't worried about what he'd do to him. He was worried about what Roger would do to Autumn if he didn't listen. So the blonde didn't leave his spot. Around 2 in the morning Autumn woke up thirsty. She slipped downstairs very careful not to wake her father, as she stepped into the kitchen she froze.

She saw her older brother asleep his plate full of food still in front of him. Her heart shattered. She tip tied up to him and gently shook his shoulder, "Reecey... Reecey.... Wake up." She whispered quietly. The blonde stirred and sat up confused as he stared at his sister. "Reece please go to bed you need sleep, you have your huge rugby game tomorrow. You need to sleep!" Autumn pleaded with her older brother.

The blonde shook his head, "I have to stay here I won't let him hurt you again." Reece said sadly. "Reece please you can't do this today, or anymore for that matter!" Autumn said worriedly. The blonde wouldn't budge. Autumns eyes filled with tears before she got an idea. She pulled out her phone and texted Mia. "SOS. It's Reece please come over." Autumn took a deep breath and hoped the red head would see it.

Mia turned over when she heard her phone go off. She opened up the text and immediately sat up. She let Autumn know she was on her way and quickly snuck out her window to head to the Knights. As she arrived she pulled the key out from under the mat and quickly made her way inside where she found Autumn curled up on the couch in tears. "Autumn sweetheart what's going on?" Mia said in her raspy tone.

"Reece wasn't allowed to leave the table he didn't finish his meal, he's asleep in there, he won't leave and I'm worried about him. If he doesnt do good in his rugby match our father will kill him." The brunette said in tears. Mia nodded pulling the young g girl in for a hug. "Sweetheart get some sleep I'll take care of Reece ok?" Mia said reassuringly. Mia walked the brunette up to bed making sure she was settled before making her way to the kitchen.

"Reecey, let's go to bed." Mia said tugging at the blonde. "I can't" the blonde grumbled tiredly. "I didn't ask get your ass up." The redhead said pulling the taller boy to his feet and walking him to his room. She got him settled before kissing his forehead and making her way back to the kitchen to take care of the food.

Mia knew Roger would see if the food was in the trash, she quickly found a spare Tupperware and scraped it into it planning to take it home so her mom and her had something good to eat for dinner the next day. She placed the empty dish in the sink with the intention of Roger seeing it empty in the morning.

Mia sighed as she glanced up the stairs at her two friends bedroom doors. She shook her head sadly before making her way home.

She would do this for them anytime and little did she know it wouldn't be the last time.

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