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Siobhan hated her birthday. She never told anyone when it was. She hated it for several reason. The first one being it meant she was getting older, but her hatred for her birthday ran so much deeper than that. On her 10th birthday, the big double digits, her father left. He walked out on Siobhan and her mom leaving them with nothing. Her birthday reminded her of the day that the person that was supposed to love and protect her from everything bad in this world just abandoned her like she was nothing.

That was something she never told anyone, secretly she felt for the knight siblings and Mia, she knew how it felt for a parent to abandon them. Vivian was the only person that knew when her birthday was, it had randomly come up in conversation one time when they still did their coffee meetings. Those stopped once the two finally officially got together a few months ago.

"What do you want to do for your birthday on Friday?" Vivian ask while making their morning coffees. "Nothing viv. Remember I don't celebrate it." The blonde said in her usual cold tone. "For the life of me I don't get why?" Vivian said confused. She had tried many times to get the blonde to open up about it but she never did. Vivian never wanted to push she never wanted to make Siobhan feel uncomfortable.

"My birthday is just not something I celebrate." Siobhan slightly snapped. Her birthday was two days away and she wanted it to just be over and done with. Vivian however had other ideas in mind. She was going to make Siobhan like her birthday again. Whatever it took to associate the day her soulmate was born with good memories she was willing to do.

(Time skip: day of Siobhan's birthday)

Vivian rolled over and pulled the blonde into her giving her a tight hug. "Happy birthday darling." Vivian said kissing Siobhan's forehead. The blonde just groaned not ready to start her day. Vivian slowly got up and made her way downstairs, first step of breakfast in bed.

Vivian got to work making Siobhan's favorite, blueberry pancakes. She added extra blueberries and got everything set up. She had bought the blonde some flowers nothing crazy, she had to remember to ease into this. She walked everything upstairs to find the blonde sitting up checking her email. "Hey darling, ready for breakfast?" The dark haired woman asked gently.

"Viv, what did I say I don't..." Vivian interrupted her, "I don't know what you're on about can't I just spoil my girlfriend?" She said with a smirk. The blonde softly smiled and rolled her eyes. "I know what you're doing." She said with a firm tone. Vivian climbed into bed next to her and they both started eating breakfast.

Siobhan moaned when she took a bite of her first pancake. "I never expected I'd be able to make you make those noises without touching you darling." Vivian joked earning her a gentle slap on the arm. The two ate in comfortable silence before getting up and getting ready for work.

Vivian drove Siobhan into the nursery to cover for a sick Autumn. She told Siobhan she was working today but in truth she was going to pick up Autumn to help her set up a birthday surprise for the blonde.

"Bye darling I'll be bye to pick you up tonight!" Vivian said leaning over to give the blonde a quick kiss before she stepped out. Siobhan smiled and looked back as she walked towards the nursery. She seriously was falling in love with this woman.

Vivian sped off to go pick up Siobhan's new found friend. "Hey Autumn thanks again for helping me" Vivian said nervously. "She's going to kill you, you know." Autumn said getting into the passenger seat. "Or she'll love it." Vivian said hopeful.

The two went to the store to pick up everything g Vivian needed. Once they arrived back at the house Vivian got the groceries for dinner put away as well as all the decorations set up. She had planned a candle lit dinner at home for the blonde in an attempt to fill this birthday with good memories. Once everything was set up Vivian drove Autumn home wishing her a good night.

Vivian got started on Siobhan's favorite pasta dish. Making everything turn out beautifully, by the time it was ready she needed to leave to go get the blonde. She put it in the oven on low heat to bake while she left to go to the nursery.

Vivian had also picked out a beautiful necklace that she saw that reminded her of the blonde. She brought it with her and left it on the passenger seat for Siobhan to find. As Siobhan opened the door she paused when she saw the nearly wrapped gift. She rolled her eyes and looked over at Vivian, "Viv..." she said sternly. "Darling please just open it ok?" Vivian begged. Siobhan gave in and opened it up her eyes scanning every small detail of the silver necklace.

Siobhan was in awe with Vivian's choice it matched her aesthetic perfectly. "It's beautiful... thank you Viv." Siobhan said finally getting in the car. Vivian grabbed the blondes hand as they drive home her nerves really starting to get to her.

As they walked inside the house immediately smelled like dinner, Siobhan smiled and rolled her eyes, "did you really make my favorite meal?" She asked turning to face her girlfriend. Vivian nodded and pulled her in to a sweet kiss. "Come on let's go sit down and I'll dish us up ok?" Vivian said leading the blonde to the kitchen. Siobhan followed her to the table and gasped when she saw everything g beautifully arranged and set up.

"Vivian I...." She paused, no one had ever done to this extent for her. Tears started to form in the blondes eyes as she looked around the room. Vivian immediately noticed this and pulled her into a deep hug. "I love you..." Siobhan whispered hoping no one would notice. "What did you just say?" Vivian asked pulling her back to look at her properly. Siobhan smiled sweetly, "I love you Viv." She said again pulling her into a deep kiss.

Vivian smiled and simply replied, "I love you too, why do you hate your birthday?" Siobhan sighed not sure she was wanting to say. After she explained the reason why Vivian felt awful for the blonde. "Darling if I would've know I wouldn't have done this." Vivian said feeling bad. "No, no I actually love it all." The blonde replied pulling her back into a sweet kiss.

Maybe birthdays aren't so bad after all.

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