Sisterly Love

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Over the past year Mia, Reece, and Autumn had worked to rebuild their once lost friendship. They grew up like siblings and truthfully the trio missed that feeling. They started slow, going out for drinks, calling eachother on the weekends, and just making up for lost time that Rodger stole from them. This didn't stop them from getting on eachothers nerves x especially the two very stubborn women.

Mia was stood outside her car waiting for Charlotte to take her on a date. She watched as the newly weds Autumn and winter started making their way towards their car before winter paused turning around and running back in to grab something. Autumn continued her walk towards her car giving a slight nod to Mia. "I still can't believe you're actually married." Mia said in her raspy voice.

Autumn just raised an eyebrow and slightly smirked at the red head standing in front of her. "What exactly is that supposed to mean." Autumn simply replied. "I mean I knew you'd always be married but I just thought it would be to someone...." Mia paused looking for an answer to push autumns buttons a bit. "Taller? Female? Different than what you chose." Mia said smirking slightly with a wink. "And what exactly is wrong, with who I chose to marry." Autumn asked growing more frustrated. She knew Mia's games.

Mia raised her hands in the air, "nothing... nothing...." She paused. "He's certainly not Kenny killerman." Mia whispered under her breath. That was enough to push Autumn over the edge. She slapped Mia across the face, "don't ever speak about my husband or my old diary. Ever. Again." She threatened. Mia just chuckled. "Or what." Mia egged the brunette on. They stared at eachother before Autumn simply said, "or I'll start rambling on to Charlotte about Deliah." Autumn said with a smirk.

This little a fire under Mia and she punched Autumn square in the face. The two threw punches back and forth for a few minutes. Both women had done quite a number on eachother. Mia was now fighting with a broken nose, autumns glasses had been broken and discarded on the ground. They were trying to fight one another to the ground for maximum control before their partners stepped outside.

Charlotte and winters eyes went wide before they both found themselves running towards the women to pull them apart. "My love stop." Winter said grabbing Autumn by the waist and pulling her back.

"Amelia Robert's?!" Charlotte yelled pushing Mia away from the deputy. "What on earth has gotten into you." Charlotte said slightly nervously as she stared at Mia's damaged face. Seeing Mia broken or hurt, really worried Charlotte she hated the sight.

Winter had gotten Autumn in the passenger seat before walking over to the other side. "See you tomorrow Charlotte." He said simply before driving off down the road. He knew better than anyone that those two needed to be separated sooner rather than later. He'd get autumns side once they got home. He wasn't gonna lie seeing her fight really did something to him.

"Hey sweetheart" Mia said simply trying to smile through the pain. Charlotte just glared at her girlfriend. She was worried, she wanted to get her home and take care of her, but she also needed to be angry. "I'll deal with you at home." Charlotte simply replied climbing into the drivers seat and driving the two women home.

Once winter and autumn made it inside Autumn took very quickly to take down her hair, discarding her broken glasses, and pouring herself a glass of wine. "My love what on earth possessed you to fight with Mia?! I thought you two were doing better." Winter asked looking at his wife's face. Aside from a small cut on her cheek there wasn't too much damage.

Winter slightly worried about what Mia looked like right now but he needed answers from his wife. "She was talking about you my sweet. I don't tolerate anyone speaking about you the way she did." Autumn simply said before downing her whole glass and refilling it once again.

Winter should be fuming, he should be so angry with his wife but he also is completely aware just how attractive he finds her. "I..." he stops he can't even yell at her. "I want to be mad at you..." he stops for a moment. Autumns eyebrow raises with a smirk, "but..." she says before standing and walking towards her husband. "But... I just find you so hot right now." He finishes. She smiles and pulls him in for a kiss. They make their way upstairs for a very passionate night.

Meanwhile, char and Mia had just arrived back at the house. Char took Mia's hand her worry taking over her anger. She quickly took Mia to the bathroom where she sat her down on the edge of the tub before quickly attending to her wounds. "Ok, Mia this might hurt a little bit I'm sorry." Char said before applying an alcohol wipe to her busted lip. Mia didn't even wince, she stared at her loving girlfriend in front of her in awe.

She was so in love with this woman and seeing her become so protective was doing something to her. Mia let a small smile appear on her face as Charlotte continued cleaning. "Mia of all people to pick a fight with you had to choose Autumn?" Charlotte said in a worried tone. "I'm sorry sweetheart it won't happen again." Mia simply replied still stuck in a trance looking at her beautiful Charlotte. "Mia I'm serious Autumn doesn't hold back what if something worse happened." Charlotte said nervously. Mia didn't hear her so when no reply came charlottes head shot up to see what the red head was doing.

"Mia focus" charlottes said firmly. Mia's eyes shot up to meet charlottes. "Sorry, you're just so hot when you're protective.its very distracting." Mia said with a smirk. Char blushed and did her best to hide the giggle that escaped her mouth. Mia leaned forward and gently kissed the brunette. She had to be careful as her nice and lip both hurt pretty bad.

Miss arms snaked around the brunettes waist pulling her into her and the other hand went straight into her hair. Charlotte pulled away from the kiss slightly, "Amelia Robert's I'm still mad at you." She said through deep breaths. Mia smirked, "oh are you?" She played along and did a little frown. Charlotte bit her lip and it didn't go unnoticed by Mia. She leaned in and kissed her, biting down on the brunettes bottom lip instead. This caused Charlotte to let out a small moan.

Mia picked her up and carried her to bed where they spent the very passionate evening together knowing they'd talk more about the fight tomorrow.

A/N I was gonna make it more smutty but that's all I've written lately and I need some drama grab your tissues for the next one shot. Sorry not sorry but Charlotte broke me.

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