Family Thats Made

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Marjorie woke up by the sound of her phone ringing. She smiled down when she saw the name that popped up on the screen. "Hello carly, everything alright my love?" She asked happily. "Hi Marjorie! Any chance you could pick me up for work today? My mom got called in again." The poor girl asked her voice breaking slightly at the last part.

"Oh my darling of course! I'll be there in a little bit ok?" Marjorie said sweetly. "Ok thanks Marjorie bye!" The young girl said before hanging up.

After she hung up, Carly looked at herself in the mirror. She hated the way she looked. Her mom had made her breakfast but she had chosen to ignore it and let it grow cold over in the corner of her room.

A parent at handover the day before had made Carly fall back into old habits. She made a comment about getting to be a part of her first wedding as a bridesmaid and the woman said she wouldn't look good in photos unless she started "preparing" as she poked Carlys tummy.

The young girl hadn't mentioned it to anyone, she assumed she'd sleep off the comment and be fine the next morning but it seemed to have stuck with her. She out on her favorite hoodie, the rainbow the dye "i am kenough" one that Charlotte had gifted to her a few months prior. As she finished tying up her hair Marjorie texted her letting her know she had arrived.

"Good morning my love!" Marjorie cheered when Carly hopped in. "Hiya Marjorie." Carly said trying to be her usual cheerful self. "Carly are you alright?" Marjorie asked slightly concerned. "Huh? Oh. Yea, yea, I'm fine." She said trying to change the subject. "Ok, well I thought we could grab a coffee in our way in does that sound alright?" Marjorie asked still looking at the girl concerned.

Carly just nodded, truthfully she didn't want one but she knew if she didn't get one Marjorie would know something was wrong. As the approached the shop they both got out and made their way inside. "Hiya can I get a medium hot Carmel latte." Marjorie said, the worker smiled, "absolutely anything else?" Marjorie looked towards Carly who looked nervous, "um, can I just get a small hot chocolate." Carly said knowing she wasn't going to drink it.

Once their drinks arrived they made their way to the nursery, Carly in charge of the music and Marjorie giggling at the young girls taste in songs. Marjorie took notice that the young girl never touched her drink the whole ride there but chose not to say anything. She knew she'd come to her when she was ready. After they arrived they both went to the office so that Carly could get her room assignment.

Marjorie sat down at her desk feeling worried for her young apprentice, she knew something was bothering the girl but wasn't sure how to approach it. She got pulled from her thoughts when Reece entered the office carrying her second coffee of the day. "Goodmorning gorgeous." He smiled setting her coffee down on the desk.

Marjorie stood and wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him gently. "Goodmorning darling" she smiled and let out a sigh. "Reece, I think somethings wrong with Carly." Marjorie said knowing her boyfriend knew that girl like the back of his hand. "What do you mean?" He asked looking concerned. "Well she just seemed down when I picked her up this morning and when we stopped for coffee she ordered one but never actually touched it. Reece I'm worried she's falling backwards." Marjorie said looking equally as concerned.

Reece nodded immediately knowing what to do. "Marjorie I'll go let her know I'm having lunch with her today. I'll bring back some lunch and the three of us can eat in here together." Reece smiled and Marjorie nodded pulling him into a tight hug.

Reece made his way over to the preschool room spotting the young girl. "Hey Carly!" Reece said in the doorway. "Oh hiya Reece!" Carly said putting a smile on her face, Reece took notice and knew exactly what Marjorie meant. "Hey we good for lunch today?" Reece said just trying to keep it light. Carly nodded and went back to work playing with her group.

Reece headed to the shop to pick up 3 meals deals. He was planning to share with Marjorie so she could learn how to help Carly if he ever wasn't around.

Once lunch time hit Reece made his way into the office greeting Marjorie and Carly who were sat talking about some kid who had to leave early. "Hey guys I have lunch" Reece smiled sitting down and opening everything up.

Marjorie noticed and sat back to watch how it was done, smiling at how gentle Reece was with Carly. "I grabbed three today, so Marjorie could eat with us." Reece said getting distracted so that Carly could split the meals without eyes on her.

Once Carly took her portion reece took his and Marjorie took the remaining. Reece and Marjorie started to eat while catching up on what was going on with the merger, both managers stopped talking when they glances at Carly who was just staring at her lunch.

"Carly my love what's wrong?" Marjorie said nervously.

"Oh nothing really I'm just not hungry." Carly lied. Her gaze meeting Reece's who looked at her unamused. "Carly." Reece said looking at her sadly.

Carly sighed, "fine. Yesterday a parent said something g that upset me." She went on to explain the interaction, Marjorie's face disgusted by that parents action, and Reece looking furious.

"Carly my love you are beautiful, you know that? Don't let them make you feel bad about yourself. That's letting them win. You are absolutely amazing darling." Marjorie stated. Carly smiled weakly. "Thank you Marjorie." Carly said as she slowly took a bite of her sandwich smiling at the taste. Reece and Marjorie glance at eachother smiling.

"Ya know you really are the best work parents" Carly said giggling.

"Well you're the best work daughter." Reece said making Carly grin from ear to ear.

Marjorie stared lovingly at the two. The perfect little chosen family.

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