Was That Jeslousy?

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"Is Siobhan due to be in at all this week?" Vivian asked Marjorie again for the 4th week in a row. It had been a month since she last saw the blonde. A month since she had learned the blonde mistook her coffee meet up with Sara as a date. A month since she learned Siobhan had feelings for her. And in that amount of time there had been no sighting of Siobhan. Vivian was starting to worry. She knew something was going on at home, but she wasn't aware of how bad it was.

She had no idea what the monster behind the curtain was capable of. Vivian paced back and forth outside Marjorie's office. She knew it would take a miracle to convince Marjorie to give her the blondes number but she knew she needed to try. "Hiya Marjorie." Vivian said nervously. "Oh hiya Vivian, sorry Siobhan won't be here this week either." The brunette said anticipating her question. "I figure I actually came to ask you a favor." The dark hairs woman said.

"Of course how can I help?" Marjorie asked with a small smile. "I just... I have the gut feeling something is wrong with Siobhan and I can't figure out why I have this feeling. I was just wondering if you could give me her number just to check in?" Vivian asked hopeful.

"Oh Viv... as much as I'd love to, I unfortunately can't. And with so much riding on getting and keeping this manager role I hope you understand why I won't do anything to jeopardize that." Marjorie said honestly. Vivian nodded she knew the answer might be no.

"But...." Marjorie said making Vivian look up at her, "if you'd like me to I can leave a message for her?" Marjorie said smiling softly. Vivian smiled, she didn't want to give away anything to personal about the blonde but she also needed to make sure Siobhan was safe and her point got across.

"Marjorie it's not my place to say what's going on but we have to word it in a way that no other person that could potentially read it will understand." The dark haired woman said nervously. Marjorie nodded, she knew something was going on but anytime Siobhan would come close to opening up she would shut back down.

Marjorie pulled out her phone she had an idea that just might work. "Siobhan, if there's any way you can come in tomorrow, I have this parent that is insistent on talking to someone from head office about this merger and she is insistent that it's tomorrow she meets.🙄" Marjorie typed out and showed Vivian.

Vivian nodded she knew Siobhan would know it was her if she referred to her as head office. Vivian nodded and Marjorie hit send. "I'll text you if she responds ok?" Marjorie said simply. "Thank you for looking out for her. You know long ago we were friends." Marjorie said with a small smile. "Maybe one day you two can get back there." Vivian said glancing down at the photo in Marjorie's desk.

It was a holiday Christmas party years ago, Siobhan and Marjorie sat next to one another smiling. Seeing that smile grace the blondes face made Vivian's heart ache. She longed to see the blonde happy and more importantly she needed to know if she was right, was Siobhan jealous.

Vivian paced in her bedroom all night, she was desperate to see the blonde even just for a moment. Her phone lit up and she ran to it.

M: Hey Vivian do you work tomorrow?

V: No I don't why

M: Stop by at 9 AM wait in the family room. She'll be there.'

V: Thank you Marjorie

The dark haired woman sighed with relief she went to bed quickly and woke up extra early to pick up a coffee for herself and Siobhan. As Vivian sat in the family room she paced back and forth. She didn't know if Siobhan would be angry to see her, happy, sad. She didn't know what to expect. Her back was to the door when she heard it open and shut quietly.

Vivian took a deep breath before turning around. She was met with the softest smile she'd ever seen. "Hey bon bon." She said quietly. Moving closer to the blonde slowly. "Viv..." she said her smile faltering as the dark haired woman came closer. Vivian saw a tear leave the blondes eyes and she quickly went to wipe it away. Siobhan winced when Vivian's hand made contact with her face.

Vivian saw the amount of make that was on her thumb, and looked up to investigate the blonde. "Bon, are you ok?" Vivian said looking for any signs of physical pain. Vivian can see the faint dark circle under Siobhan's eye, Siobhan broke. Her silent sobs making her small body shake. Vivian pulled her in to a gentle hug, and just held her while she cried. "I've missed you bon bon" Vivian said while rubbing the blondes back.

"I've missed you Viv." The blonde said feeling relaxed in the dark haired woman's arms. They moved to the sofa where they sat and caught up. Vivian explained that Sara was well and truly just a friend watching the blondes face the whole time. She saw this flicker of happiness appear on the blondes face and it gave Vivian all the hope she needed.

"Siobhan.... Why were you so angry when you found out I was getting coffee with Sara?" Vivian said calmly. "I wasn't angry Viv" Siobhan said raising her tone to her normal cold level. "Bon bon. You and I both know you didn't call Rodger. So tell me why were you so angry." Vivian pushed, she wanted Siobhan to admit it.

"Vivian don't." Siobhan said going to stand. Vivian placed her hand in her leg and scooted closer making her sit back down. "Tell me bon bon." She said again even more gentle. "What do you think." Siobhan said looking to the ground.

Vivian picked up the blondes chin to look at her, "I think.... You were jealous. But for the life of me I don't know why." The dark haired woman lied. She just wanted the blonde to say it. Siobhan looked at Vivian in confusion, "how could you not know...." Siobhan said leaning into Vivian's gentle touch.

"Vivian.... I.... I want to be with you..." the blonde said letting a few tears fall from her face. Vivian wiped them away and smiled at the woman sitting next to her, "I want to be with you too bon bon." Vivian said just enjoying the face the blonde is safer and in front of her. "But we can't... Rodger he'll hurt you... and I can't let him do that." The blonde said looking back to the ground.

"Hey... look at me." Vivian said gently, Siobhan looked into Vivian's blue eyes and smiled, "you let me worry about him. But in the mean time take that thing off. Because I want to kiss you." Vivian said looking hopeful at the blonde. Siobhan's eyes widened as she took the ring off setting it on the table across from them. Vivian leaned in and closed the gap. The two women pouring all their feelings into this kiss didn't pull away until necessary. "I've wanted to do that since the first moment I saw you." Vivian said with a smile.

Siobhan smiled softly at Vivian scooting closer to be wrapped safely in her embrace. The two women stayed like this until Marjorie knocked on the door. "Hello my loves I-..." the brunette stopped when she saw the two wrapped in each others embraces. "So not jogging partners then?" Marjorie said raising an eyebrow. Her comment earn her a scolding look from the blonde as she sat out of Vivian's embraces. "So nobody panic but Rodger is on his way here." She said nervously.

Siobhan's eyes widened as she looked between her friend and the woman she was falling for. Vivian and Marjorie noticed and sat on either side of the blonde. "My love no matter what happens we will protect you." Marjorie said gently rubbing her back. "You'll never be alone again Bon bon." Vivian said giving a gentle kiss to her temple.

Siobhan knew she would never be alone again. That she would be safe as long as she had her loved ones.

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