Chapter 13: The winner. (Part 3)

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I slowly rose out of the pod to find a sandwich on the table. A message sat next to it. You have some missed calls from the Lab and your friends want to meet up. Eat first! From, A Friend. It was clearly Aria's writing and signed off in our usual way. I easily accepted the meal and left the room after getting changed. The gym wasn't bustling but had quite the few customers. Zen usually ran three classes a day. Once in the morning, afternoon and evening. A decent amount of people usually showed up. What had taken a huge leap however was her online presence. Her channel had doubled in views overnight. There were quite a lot of people curious after I had spouted praise towards her.

"Mister Ardent!" I turned around as I neared the front desk to find Fiona beckoning.

"Good morning," I approached her. "Did you need something?"

"I am fine, however, would you happen to have some time now?" she was polite as always.

"Is this about you going back to school next week? We'll be okay, we've already started interviewing more people to work."

"No, that is fine. Mister Arthur has already made very helpful arrangements for us. Would it be possible if you have a conversation with Finn? He is being quite shy but would like to speak with you."

"Finn is being shy?" It had been a while since he had started so I thought we were getting along. For him to be shy... I could guess why. "Where is he?"

"He's in the staff room taking a small breather. I do appreciate your time."

"No problem, though while we're at it, have you seen Zen?" I asked.

"Zen is having a lunch meeting with your father. I can give you the address if you would like to join them."

"Oh no, that's fine. I'll leave after I speak to Finn," I smiled and left to the staff room. The lab and my friends could wait a bit longer.

I entered the staff room only to startle Finn who was drinking a cup of water. He began to cough as the drink went down the wrong way.

"Are you okay there?" I asked somewhat amused. "I didn't mean to surprise you."

"N-no, I'm fine. I was just-," he cut himself off and took a deep breath. "Did Fiona send you here?"

"Yeah, she said you wanted to chat. What's up?"

His eyes shifted, making sure we were alone. Satisfied he whispered, "Umm I'll be blunt. Are you A.Friend?"

It was as I expected, and I replied simply, "Yes."

Finn's eye's widened, "O-Oh! I knew it! When you mentioned Zen's videos, I was sure!"

I laughed, "Let's just keep it a secret as much as we can though."

"Of course!" he nodded fervently. "Umm, you may not remember but I think we actually played together before."

I paused to think, I had rarely played with others and only interacted in passing with most players. "Ah, I see. Finnis and Finnia. Is Fiona Finnia?"

"Yes, that's us!" he grinned, happy that I remembered. "We're nowhere near your level but it would be amazing if-." He cut himself off again, "No, umm I'm sure you're busy."

I could only smile, I didn't have time to play the game just for the enjoyment of it. As much as it would make his day, I didn't have the leeway.

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