Chapter 12: Ready, match, start (Part 3)

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Round of 8. This is where the competition got serious. It was already quite the big deal to be in the top 32 of a region but those in top 8 were the ones considered to go to the world tournament. They would also be the natural targets for both good and bad reasons in the game. In the past, while I had been more of a fan for the story of Areithia than the competitive parts of it, I had always respected those who challenged it as an esport. In the same vein I never had the desire to join them. The path I was on now however, required it.

I watched the rest of the matches from the round of 16 quietly in my room, paying attention to the fighting style of my opponents. It was about as I expected. Most favoured the magician play style however when it came down to it, magicians had a hard time in one on ones and by the end of the round of 16 only two remained in top 8. One of them being Crozen. The viewer count was rising as the tournament went on and the commentators were riling the crowd both in game and outside in the real world.

My match would be up first in the round of 8 and it didn't take long to arrive. I had done as much preparation as possible and accepted the invitation to be moved on to the stage. My opponent appeared with quite the different appearance. Vanessa Vanser or VV. She had won the previous two round using dual swords and overwhelmed her opponents with speed and power. Now however she had changed one sword to a buckler, a small round shield. For someone with her fighting style it was a defensive change that could still be used somewhat offensively. Her armour had also increased. Whereas before she wore minimal plating, her body was now mostly covered, especially her head which sat a solid helmet with only her face exposed.

"I can't help but notice you look different," I said as greeting. "A.Friend, let's have a good match."

"Well you know, you fight your opponent," she nodded with a tense smile. "Vanessa Vanser. Call me VV. Let's have a good match."

This would be a longer match than the previous two. She had studied what I as capable of. I had done the same to her but changing my equipment wouldn't do much. Shooting with the Quick Draw would be significantly harder.

The countdown began. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... BATTLE! Neither of us moved. I stood ready with my dagger drawn. VV held her buckler towards me, anticipating me to pull my gun. Several tense seconds passed. I activated the Leap skill and launched towards her much faster than she anticipated. Still she reacted in time and swung her sword where I would land. Metal met against metal shooting sparks across the stone. Her brow furrowed as she silently activated a skill. It took a moment for me to realise what it was as her body naturally took the stance. Spinning Slash. I stepped back to avoid the circular motion and shot back in as fast soon as I could. My dagger crossed her body and VV retreated. I however wasn't going to let up and quickly cast a spell. A lance of earth struck her retreat path. The solid impact didn't do much damage but stopped her in her tracks.

Forced towards me VV switched tactic and went on the offensive. Vertical Slash. Shield Charge. Spinning Slash. Rapid Stab. Quad blow. She chained them together much better than my first opponent Rector had and was able to use the skills without calling them. Despite her best attempts however, skills had a delay and times you were left vulnerable. With those small openings my dagger struck.

"Full body burst!" VV suddenly let out and stomped the ground. The attack forced me back as suddenly a large force erupted, dealing me damage for the first time in the tournament. She took the opportunity to gain some ground between us.

She grimaced, "And here I was hoping what you did to Rector was a fluke. You're scary."

"Sorry about that," I replied coolly.

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