Chapter 27: Specks of the past (Part 2)

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 Erin hung by her fingers, her legs dangling freely, "Don't just stand their help me up! How the hell are you two so light on your feet?"

"Hmmm," I looked down at her from where I balanced along the cliff wall. Small stone platforms and handholds were strewn across the rock, slowly climbing the rock face. We had made it quite close to the top now and the gap between platforms was not small. "I swear when we first met you had more of a cool character."

"I do have a cool character but when you push it too far it gets superseded!" she groaned and managed to wrench herself up.

"See you could do it yourself."

"Oh shut it- ah my dex just went up." Her expression turned a 180. "This is good training."

"Exactly," Vanter gloated hanging upside down by the hooks of his feet. Out of all of us he was definitely the most dexterous. It wasn't only his character but in the real Areithia as well. Though he was known as a lazy prince, he still grew up in the dense forests of the Elven Magistrate.

"Show off," both Erin and I said at the same time.

With a tired huff Erin finally managed to reach the end of the climb. What greeted her was a sizeable crowd of the city's people.

"She did it!" a random stranger applauded. "I can't remember the last time we had three finish it on the same day." A commotion followed with many people giving Erin their regards. They had done the same for us, but seeing the effort Erin had put in, plus the fact she was a pretty girl, the NPCs favoured her more.

"Eh what's going on?" Erin asked as she awkwardly accepted the praise.

A calm and strong voice stilled the crowd, "Because you have finished the climb and hence are now one with the city." Yurtam moved in front of the crowd. "Though you are not from the sands you have chosen the harder path and proved the skills to survive it."

A ping went off in our minds a text box appeared. Skill Unlocked. Steady Feet: When activated your feet become steady. Higher proficiencies increase the effectiveness and reduce the consumption of the skill.

"Let the travellers rest," Yurtam began to disperse the crowd, "Away with you." The people quickly did as they were told.

"So who exactly are you?" Erin asked, again noting his powerful presence with the people of Paruvan.

"I'm just a long lived man," he replied with a smile. "Your deeds this day have been recorded." Without pause he handed back the black card, an additional stamp now ingrained on it. It made five. One from Blint, The Old Coot, Ratansi, The Dancing Sisters and now Yurtam. Looking at it, the card had room for 5 more, then again I wasn't sure if both sides needed to be covered.

The crowd dispersed and we were soon left by ourselves.

"It's getting pretty late," Erin checked the time. "I promised Aria to watch some shows with her. Are we done for today?"

"Yeah, let's find an inn to log out," I led the way to the main streets of Paruvan. As we made our way the people smiled and waved, some even congratulating our climb.

"The people here are pretty friendly aren't they," Erin observed. "From what I gathered I thought this place would be more cutthroat."

"Oh it is," I replied.

"Then why is everyone so nice? Is it a ploy?"

"To normal travellers, while not outright hostile you could expect to be tricked or overcharged, maybe even pickpocketed. We, by completing the climb, are now pseudo members of the city. Still be careful the majority of the people will treat you kindly, but that's not everyone."

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