Chapter 9: Start (Part 2)

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I was out of the pod before the lid had even fully opened and grabbed my shoes, forcing them on before running out the door. I went straight to the reception counter hoping to see Aria, hoping it was some kind of cruel joke. She wasn't there.

"Finn," I charged straight up to him. "Where's Aria?"

"A-Aria?" he was frazzled by my appearance. "Umm she left about quarter of an hour ago. Why?"

"Damn it," I grit my teeth. "Did she say where she was going?"

"No, not at all. In fact, she purposefully said not to say anything," he quickly became concerned at my frantic thinking. "Is she okay?"

"I don't know." I paused for a moment. Aria wouldn't joke around like this. Something had happened, but where could she have gone? If it was to get lunch she would have said so. In fact, lately she had always told us where she was going. So why?

I crossed the room to where Zen was in middle of teaching a class. Immediately seeing me she stopped mid action.

"Sorry everyone, something has come up. Practice by yourself for now," she bowed and approached me as I approached her. "Ardent what's wrong?"

"Aria is missing. She texted me that she felt someone was following her and then nothing. Do you know where she went?" I had to force myself to remain calm enough for the words to flow.

Zen frowned, "No... I did see her leave."

"Then has she been going anywhere lately?"

She shook her head, "Not from the usual places."

I gripped my head trying to force my mind to think of all the possibilities. If she had just gone to the market, then that wasn't even a five minute walk. She would have been on the way back. She could have headed home, but again then she would have said something. Why would she say nothing? Why would she need to keep a secret? Like a bolt it hit me. It was me. I was the answer. My birthday was less than a week away. She had gone to get me a gift. She wanted it to be a surprise.

"Ardent, we'll find her," Zen tried to reassure me. "I'll go look myself. Keep thinking and let me know." I could only nod as she grabbed her jacket and shoes, quickly letting Finn now and running out the door.

I had to think. What would Aria try to get me? What did I even need? Was there something I had said I wanted? Why couldn't I have communicated better? Why did I have to be online today of all days? Why did I- I forced my thoughts to stop as they began to spiral out of control. I took a deep breath and sat on the floor ignoring the eyes that lingered on me. My interests since I had returned were only fitness and Areithia. It had to be among those. I flicked through my mind of all the goods you could purchase and what Aria would tie to me.

My eyes shot wide as I remembered. In the city. A pop-up store that sold official Areithia Online merchandise. It was only open for a short period. Aria would have taken the chance to sneak off while I was busy. That was my target. I began to run. My hand pressing frantically down on my phone, trying to let anyone I knew who could help. I couldn't let Aria be hurt... not after I let her die once already.


Aria Friend:

Aria clutched her bag, her heart beating fearfully as the men appeared one by one. At first it was nothing. A yellow car that seemed to be going her way but when she took the tram, it followed, and when she got off it stopped and when she started again, it was always there. That was when Aria texted Ardent. He had always told her to be careful, and while she took his advice seriously, to actually feel it was another matter. She couldn't help feel it was her fault. Why did she not listen and be more careful? Why did she have to leave without telling anyone?

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