Chapter 25: Redefining (Part 1)

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Chapter 25: Redefining

"You made quite the mess here," Agent Wester remarked the five unconscious and now tied up bodies. He had come together with the police but wasn't alone as several more official looking agents were investigating the space. I was currently sitting down nursing my side while Vanter kept Erin company.

"Well, it was do or die," I replied. "Though I have to ask, what are you doing here?" The moment I called him, he just asked for the location and appeared soon after.

He looked around the scene again and gestured, "I was meant to be investigating this."

"So those kidnappers are involved," I sighed. I had thought as much.

"Yes," he nodded. "I had some business in the area and when I found that you were travelling with your sister, I decided I might as well keep an eye out."

"So, you followed us?"

"Put simply, yes," he frowned looking apologetic. "But I didn't want anything like this to happen. Please believe me."

"It's fine," I looked to where Erin sat with Vanter. Vanter was doing his best to cheer her up and was making decent progress considering Erin's weak smile. "Erin, was she their target this time?"

Agent Wester nodded, "We heard that someone was being targeted in the area but didn't think it would be a girl with a high profile like herself. Again, you've managed to thwart their plans."

"Coincidently," I added. "We were just trying to look out for a new friend."

"I see, well tell me what happened," he took out a notepad and I began to explain. I lined the story up with what I had told Erin. As for the tussle in the warehouse, I explained it with much less detail.

"So, this man named Kai ran away?" Agent wester confirmed.

I nodded, "We managed to light him on fire and he ran off. Then I called you."

"Hmmm," he eyed me and then Vanter. "You two could be professionals with how you handled things."

I mocked a laugh, "No way. I just want to play my games in peace."

Agent Wester scratched his head, "We'll handle things here. The problem is the man who escaped. He could very well target you for revenge. I suggest you return home soon. I'll have some people investigate but these guys are as slippery as they come. All we catch are lower level kidnappers like these idiots. They're just in it for the money. That Kai man however, tell me Ardent, what colour were his eyes?"

"They were purple..., why?"

Agent Wester frowned but quickly cleared his expression, "Just a link from another case." He began to turn away but I called to him again.

"Hang on, there's just one more thing I forgot to mention. The man over there," I pointed to the one who had spoken to us. "He was smiling really creepily and there was a woman who was the same when my sister was almost kidnapped. Kai also mentioned something about a drug."

Agent Wester sighed, "Yes, that's another issue we're looking into. It's a new drug making its way around. We believe the people organising the kidnappers are the distributors. As well as making the user feel a euphoric ecstasy, it apparently also heightens their senses."

During my time as a diplomat I had rumours of a similar drug, but for it to show up now meant it had to be something different to the one I knew. Areithia and Earth were still, for the most part, split.

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