Chapter 12: Ready, match, start (Part 1)

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Chapter 12: Ready, match, start

4 months three weeks after the Fall:

"Get up Friend," the Commander spoke in his usual gruff tone. "This isn't all you've got."

"Yes sir!" I pushed myself off the ground and back onto my feet, ignoring the pain in my joints and muscles.

"Good work," he cackled. "You look like a summer breeze could keel you over but you're standing firm. That's the spirit. Now throw another punch my way."

"Sir," I nodded and leapt towards him. I wasn't holding back. Mana swam through my internal circuits as Aura spurred my muscles. The two opposing energies collided sending a shock of pain through my system but I only grit my teeth and forced them together. The punch collided with the Commander's waiting palm. He caught the blow and held tight as the impact caused him to slide across the training field inch by inch. Finally my energy was spent and I loosely fell to my knees before straining to stand.

"You did well Friend," the Commander clapped my shoulder and hefted my straight.

"Thank you sir," I replied.

He took a deep breath and looked at me, "Friend I want you in the War Room from now on."

"E-Excuse me Sir?"

"You heard me. You've got the talent. You may think your weaker than the others, that you're not progressing as fast and by the simple results it's true, but I can see past that and I want you to see past that too." He patted my shoulders, a full head shorter than I was. "You're here every morning before training even starts. You're out there doing your best in the field and when you come back you're completing your managerial duties spectacularly. We need people like you Friend and I won't take no for an answer."

"Thank you Sir," I could only reply trying to hold my shock.

"Things look like their getting better. Like we've got our feet on the ground but my gut is telling me something isn't right. In the worst case we may need to split the dungeon. If that were to happen, I want you leading one of the squads."

"That would be an honour Sir."

"Not an honour," he shook his head. "It's a responsibility. Lives on your hands. It's harsh and will cause you pain but from all the players I've seen here lately, I want you in that team. Understand Friend?"


"Good," he cackled again. "Now hit the showers. Actual training starts in thirty and the instructor will growl at me if you arrive spent again. Get some rest."

"Will do Sir," I bowed my head and left the training field feeling proud.


"I'm ready when you are," I nodded as I placed the head gear on top my head and clicked in place the spinal brace. "The check on my side is clear."

Professor Grayton nodded, "Signal is clear on my side. All the licenses have been set, we are officially good to log in."

Sarah huffed tiredly, deep bags beneath her eyes, "We cut it close but we made it just in time. You better win to make this worth it."

"Well that's the plan," I smiled and settled myself down into the couch. "Beginning log in procedure. Changing to virtual senses in 3, 2, 1,-."

The world faded to black and as the virtual gear took over it was replaced by the familiar log in system of Areithia Online. A message appeared in view.

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