Chapter 7: Passage. (Part 2)

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There was a reason I couldn't complete the Ominous Orchard alone. When it came down to it, there were too many monsters in the boss room for me to deal with and still try to damage the boss. Other players had soloed the dungeon before at a similar level however their builds either relied on overwhelming firepower or ridiculous defence. My build wasn't great at defeating large groups at once and I had accepted the fact I'd need to find a party. That however was no longer the case.

I trudged down into the pits of the dungeon, a freshly broken Treant's arm in my inventory. There were several rooms in the dungeon and puzzles to solve. Even without my past memories there were plenty of internet walkthroughs that would give the answers. As such it didn't take long at all to reach the final chamber. Sealed with thorned vines, the final boss was beyond and behind it would be the dungeon core.

I checked my status and equipment one more time. My intention was not to get hit but I still carried emergency potions. As long as I wasn't caught up in the bosses signature move, I wouldn't die immediately, though looking at myself it was about time to get an upgrade to my armour.

I placed a torch on the vines and at once they shrunk back allowing me passage. As soon as I stepped beyond the threshold however, they snapped back into place and no amount of fire would open them. The only way out was to either use an emergency teleport, defeat the boss or die. I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what was to come. Combat wise I was ready, visually however... there was a reason why Teremire's beginning dungeon was less popular. The boss appeared, curling its way through as it skittered across the circular chamber. A hundred legs... a true centipede and the size of three elephants combined.

"Ugh," I shivered. I didn't mind most bugs, but there was something about centipedes I detested... that and leeches. I hated leeches. A notice sprang in front of me, boldly in red. Ominous Omnipede has appeared. The true creature that caused the dungeons corruption.

The Omnipede shrieked a cackling chorus that had me shuddering and without any more notice charged towards me. I immediately backed away, firing a wreath of flames as it curled about the location I had just been standing. If I had been caught, I would have been crushed and eaten. The Omnipede always began with the same move and in a regular party you had a several second window to free your companion. Alone I'd be a goner.

"Let's go then!" I grit my teeth and charged forward, climbing across its bulky and twisting exoskeleton, raking my dagger across its body wherever I could. When it turned to strike I pointed to the earth and a thin spike of rock pierced upwards, dealing little damage but slowing it down. By repeating these steps, I could prevent it ever reaching me directly. The feel of climbing over its body each time however had me cursing the game for its realism.

Slowly the boss was piling up with damage. The Omnipede didn't begin with a weak point, but by damaging its antennae with a lightning attack it would expose the armour on its forehead. The only lightning skill I had so far was Shocking Grasp and from the simple phrasing, it was a direct contact skill.

The Omipede's health eventually fell to just above half. It was now I had to change tactics. Instead of climbing over, I climbed on top its body and used it as a slippery and skidding highway. The Omnipede twisted up, quickly realising my intent and bent back on itself. It launched towards me, and I leapt towards it. I could see its twin mandibles stretch wide and the mouth itself open, ready to accept me. I stowed my dagger and in one hand pulled the Critical Quickdraw. Half a second was all I had as my free hand grasped the antennae that was barely in reach. A shock of electricity sprang around my fingers and though weak, forced it to curl back, its armour receding. I aimed at exposed flesh and fired. My body shuddered as the explosive shot rang free and penetrated straight where it needed. The second bullet quickly followed. I stowed the gun away just as fast as it had appeared and prepared for my next move only for the death throes of the Omnipede to echo.

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