Chapter 28: The Sand's Heart (Part 2)

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We opened the door to the dungeon and stepped through easily. There was no fanfare or message, just eerie silence as our eyes adjusted to the dim light within. A set of spiralling stairs took us downwards and for a full minute we did nothing but circle around and around. Finally we reached the 1st floor of the dungeon. Out of nowhere an expanse of sand suddenly appeared. We stood by the single door that magically appeared from nothing. It was as if we had returned to the desert. While it was mid-afternoon outside however, here it was a permanent dusk.

"I should have expected more sand," Erin sighed. "How exactly are we meant to find our way now?"

"That's the first challenge of the dungeon," Vanter replied. "Find the next door."

"And I'm assuming that's find the next door while being attacked by whatever is lurking beneath the sands," she pointed to the distance where several mounds of sand were moving in unison.

I nodded, "That's about right. The monsters on the 1st floor are desert creatures around level 80 and they like to come in swarms, hence why you need a raid party. That being said, we're not going to do this normally."

"Nope," Vanter smiled and pulled out a crystal from his pocket. "After all, we're not here looking for the next floor." The crystal shimmered and let off light pointing to the distance. "Looks like we've got a direction. Follow my steps exactly."

"Ah sure," Erin nodded and focused intensely as we followed Vanter's foot prints through the sand. He moved in an odd pattern, at times moving several steps in one direction only to then curve to the opposite. Vanter's keen senses guided him around the desert's hidden traps and we followed. A misstep however meant dealing with a monster we didn't have time for or worse, a fall that continued forever.

The time passed slowly with nothing much more than brief and idle conversation as we moved through the seemingly endless sands. Finally however, Vanter came to a sudden stop.

"We're here," he gently placed his hand to the sand and brushed the top layer revealing stonework.

"How did you know that was here?" Erin asked looking at the both of us.


"Internet." We both answered at the same time.

Erin however clearly didn't believe us, "Yeah sure. Keep your secrets for now."

After quite a bit of clearing we managed to reveal a large chunk of the stone object. With the sand gone the intricate engravings were revealed. What they meant we could only guess but it wasn't the decorations we were here for.

"So, what is it?" Erin poked the stone.

"It's a roof," Vanter answered and took out a large square object from his inventory. "And this is a bomb."

"A roof huh... A bomb!?" Erin jumped back.

"Hey, don't run too far, you'll trip the monsters in the sand."

"Guh," she shook her head. "I don't want to get the death penalty. Why did you bring a bomb? Don't answer, I already know why." She huffed. "Just blow it open."

Vanter planted the package and took out another object we had prepared earlier. Simply put it was a small trampoline, though not a normal one.

I took out my rifle and stepped onto the black springy surface of the trampoline, "Let's go."

"Is that what you used to kill Crozen at the convention?" Erin asked as she and Vanter stood next to me.

"It is," I nodded.

"It's bigger than I expected. I'm not really knowledgeable on guns but isn't it hard to use?"

"Not as much as you would think." I readied myself, "Okay hold on and jump as one. Try not to shake me while I aim."

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